Thursday, October 2, 2008

Raya Fun

Am struggling to keep myself awake now. Should go to bed but have to leave in 5 mins to fetch my brother from the airport. Damn Air Asia for not being on time again!

In two days of raya holiday, I put on unknown kg of weight and not sleeping enough. Had been going to bed at 3am and waking up at 7 or 8am to start raya visiting. Am actually very happy that my life will be back to 'normal' from tomorrow onwards. Can't imagine how crappy I would look if this kind of lifestyle continues ;p

Eating frenzy is over. Time to cut curry, masak merah and frizzy drinks from my diet for a while.

Gotta rush to airport now and hope to be back in a flash to catch up on my sleep.... *yawn*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds tiring to me instead of fun....i could hardly wake up this morning...slept till 11am which i never did before...