Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beijing Olympics 2008

Wah... Beijing Olympics 2008 starts tomorrow~! I can't wait!! But poor me will be stuck at a wedding. I will miss at least 2 hours of the opening ceremony!! :( I hope a big screen will be provided at the wedding reception. Fat hope i know...

Since the performances at the opening ceremony tomorrow are still a mystery, so here are some of my guesses. Let's see how many I get right :)

- Acrobatics
- Chinese Kung Fu
- SiChuan 'Bian(4) Lian(3)' (change face)
- Peking Opera
- Lion Dance
- People in Terracotta Army costumes
- Chinese Country Songs performance


Tracy said...

I also can't wait till for the opening ceremony! Will leave the office sharp at 5pm and sit in front of the TV.

Anonymous said...

i add one more possible performance

'torch being lightened by panda'

no kidding! someone really saying this to me.

Anonymous said...

im now sitting in front of the tv..waiting for 2 hrs already and all i see now is only ppl coming out...yawn...jenn, did u peak at the practise? ehehe....i guess there will be singing by panda..buwahahaha...

Jennifer Kho said...

No Panda in the opening ceremony at all worr..

The only panda is the one sitting in front of the tv - me. I watched the replay until early morning *Panda Jenn*