Tuesday, March 6, 2007

www.weird weird world.com

I found my colleague with puffy, red eyes today. It turns out that she only went to bed at 4 this morning. Her sister-in-law had a fight with her husband & was crying her eyes out. She claimed that her husband has treated her unfairly. Apparently, her SIL has a 'special' relationship with her male boss & her husband discovered it 'accidentally' when going thru her mobile phone. She wanted to divorce her husband for accussing her for having an affair. She claimed that she has never slept with her boss. Her husband spent the whole night BEGGING her not to divorce him and ASSURED that he will never accuse her again.

How ironic! Shouldn't the situation be reversed? Shouldn't the wife be the one to beg for forgiveness? Just because she didn't sleep with her boss doesn't mean that she didn't betray her husband! She has certainly committed emotional infidelity for she has been unfaithful in her heart. The problem is, she doesn't think that she has been unfaithful or betrayed her husband. She blamed her unhappy marriage on her husband. She has 'fallen in love' with her boss because she finds him more gentle, caring, loving, fun to be with etc than her husband. Basically he is everything her husband is not. That's because they only see each other at their best, Dummy! And they don't have to deal with any of the bad stuff like fighting or getting irritated about everyday stuff. This kind of relationship is platonic and thus, she keeps kidding herself that her growing bond with him is ok. She is not sleeping with him so she doesn't see any need to feel guilty. Poor Husband.

It's a weird world out there... I will never be able to fully understand it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah...i know this world doomed when i heard a cow eat chicken, wtf! wat's wrong w her? sick in her head to think that emotional betrayal is innocent? agree with u, he is so perpect b'cos he dont have to deal with her about bills, wash dishes, clean up the house those kind of thing...every man could be so tender n understanding if he dont need to take care of this sorts of thing...but who knows, this might be a good chance for the couple to sort their problem out.