Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My prayer answered

The residents and road users of Bamfpylde Road should celebrate. FINALLY, my area is no longer pitch dark at night y(^V^)y

Tonight is the night to be remembered by all for it's the night the street lights are turned on! I'm so proud to see the brightly lit street. Aaaahh, A sense of achievement!! All the troubles and efforts I've gone thru are worth it. Months ago, I gathered 'autographs' from family, friends and colleagues. A request for street lightings was then sent to a local Council. Within weeks, my 'prayer' was answered for I noticed poles were being put up. I was ecstatic! I couldn't believe that the Council had acted so promptly to my request! However, my happiness and excitement slowly faded as the pitch dark nights continued...

After months of patient waiting, I decided that I've to do something or else my friends will forever miss the turning to my home. Thus, I followed up with our local Council on the matter. A council representative informed me that the delay is on the electricity company. Past experience has taught me NOT to depend on others too much if you want things to get done fast. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I desperately want BRIGHTER street. I would do whatever it takes to get what I want even if it means going thru "swords hill'! Fortunately, i didn't have to go to that extent. Phewwww...

I checked with the electricity company. Bing bang bong and with the help of my great friends in the electricity company, we managed to get the relevant authority to act fast. REAL FAST!! ^v^ Within 1 week, I get my brightly lit Bampfylde Road.

(Go on. Take a walk at nite ;p)

(Wrong turn? Miss a turn? Can't find the way? These excuses are no longer valid! haha..)

** My sincere thanks to all who have helped to make our road safer and brighter :)

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