Saturday, March 17, 2007

Life is sweet & bitter

Forrest Gump was right - life is indeed like a box of chocolate. You never know what you will get next. You may have gotten the chocolate of your dreams now but that doesn't mean that it will be the same next.

Tonight, I've learned to expect the unexpected. Let me tell you a story (in a heavy Indian accent) -
my friends and I arrived in Senai Airport with full spirits tonight. Our long-discussed trip is finally a reality! The beginning of the trip was sweet & perfect - no rush to airport, no Q at check-in counter, our plane took off early & our luggage were among the 1st to come out. Aaaahhh... life couldn't have been better!!

Just when we were in the taxi, trying to fill in our immigration forms, one of my dear friends yelled
"OH NO! I BROUGHT MY EXPIRED PASSPORT!!!". It took me several seconds to register what was heard. It must be a joke. Yeah, funny... as if I would believe!! Only when I took a look at the passport did I realise that it is indeed an expired passport!! OMG!!

I'm still in shock as I type this story. We have yet to come out with a solution. It's late at night (correction: very early in the morning) now and our exhausted brains cannot function properly. Let's just go to sleep and hopefully, when we wake up in a few hours time, this is just a bad dream.....

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