Friday, February 25, 2011

A Story about Noodles

Here is a story I created to entertain you guys... It's about the life of a bowl of instant noodles. Yummm....

Once upon a time, there was a bowl of instant noodles named Noodles. She lived a plain and ordinary life because she was well, plain and ordinary.

Plain and ordinary Noodles

Noodles wanted to be different so she decided that what she needed was sexy lips like Angelina Jolie's so she could attract handsome guys like Brad Pitt. So without delay, she went for a cosmetic surgery.

Noodles and her THICK SEXY lips

Noodles was very happy about her appearance. But she was still not satisfied because even with hot lips like Angelina's, she still couldn't attract anyone. She looked herself in the mirror and figured that it must be because that she didn't have any hair. So she went for hair implant, then a hairdresser. She wanted a stylish hair to compliment her new look.

Noodles asked for dark silky hair like those models' in the shampoo commercial. She was very excited and looked forward to the handsome guys she would attract after this. Unfortunately, something horrible went wrong. The hairdresser mixed up the colour and....

gave noodles curly red hair instead!

Curly red hair!

Noodles was horrified!

Noodles was depressed. With looks like that, noodles figured it would never be able to attract anyone.... Noodles was wrong.

Because it attracted ME!

Now u see it, now u don't!

*Burp* Noodles was yummy :P

The End

Hope you have enjoyed my little story:p


Cindy said...


Tracy said...


Baby jane said...

I think the noodle forgot to get a tan. Hehe

lj said...

jenn the story teller! i like!