Friday, December 30, 2011

Fun time!

It's last day of work for 2011 for me.... gotta be honest, i wasn't very productive today :P Am already in holiday mood... since last Friday actually... I hehe...

Last Friday, we had a Christmas party in office... it was a crazy one. As soon as we came back from our Xmas lunch, we opened our presents. How exciting!?! All of us were super high.. we were so loud that we totally ignored our bosses in the office :P Aw, i'm sure they understand haha...

Here are some pictures we took last friday...

Christmas presents & cake for the celebration!
The one hanging on the tree is addressed to me!
Woohoo, what's inside?

I must show you close up picture of the cake
Super cute!! It was homemade
The Snowmen and presents are edible
It was a Choc Brownie cake ^^

Chrismasty or not? hehe...
Santa Claus tea pot, Snowman with choc, Chamomile Tea &
Xmas Ornament from Santa Claus (me me me!)

Another photo of my full-of-love gifts!

Our Crazy Party
Somebody couldn't wait to put on his snake-skin underwear haha

BTW, i received a very nice shawl from my secret (not anymore!) angel... super like it! Very soft!

This should be my last post for 2011 too. Before i end (for the year), I wanna wish you all.....

Have a great new year! See you again next year! Big muaks!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hi What's up?

Look what I bought?

A box full of colourful rabbits!

It's a bit crowded in there ... but they are happy to be together... *相亲相爱,和乐融融*

And they all wanna be seen!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Precious Moment

We all know that nothing can buy time.. Once it's over, it's over. There is no such thing as turning back.. No matter what you do, you just can't go back anymore. That's the way it is.

I once read a very interesting statement in a book. It says, how do u know that yesterday actually exists? How do u proof that what happened 1 sec ago really did happen? Because it's already over, all you are left with is memory.... As it's only a memory, how do u know that it's not an illusion? It is complicated i know..... It does sound like a nonsense but if u really think about it, it does make sense! I remember that there is a saying "life is like a dream"... And since dream is not real, does that mean the lives that we are living in now are also not real?

I'm a Doraemon fan. The author had invented many incredible devices I wish I'd in real life. Time machine and Anywhere door are 2 of my favourites.... Too bad there are no such things... it's just something we human beings wish we could've...

It's true that nothing can buy back time... luckily that there is something called "blog" *long life to blog!*

I always have a birthday post on 11th November of every year to talk about my birthday for the year. It's like my own tradition.... It's my way of reminding me of the loved ones in my life and how lucky I'm to survive another year.... This year, I broke the tradition, unintentionally *oh no!*... i was busy and didn't have the time to write about it... *excuses excuses excuses*

11.11.11 is worth to be remembered. Not only because 11.11.11 only comes around once in 100 years (we are all lucky to witness this!), it's also the day 2 adorable twins came to this world N years ago... \(^V^)/ that really calls for a big celebration! hahaha..... Come, please hop on to my time machine. I will bring you back to to 11.11.11 <-------- click here (2 posts in one day! I hope I make your day :P )

Happy Birthday Jane & Jenn!

Cherish every moment, cherish everyone in your life, cherish everything....

Saturday, December 3, 2011


夜深人靜的一晚,外面正下著大雨。想去睡了可是又不捨得。怕睡了長假很快就過了*揍* 那是什麼爛理由呀? 根本不合邏輯.... 不過我當時真的是這樣想的。哈哈~ 太夜了,頭腦不清醒嘛.....


奇怪的是星期六的深夜,怎麼電視都沒好看的節目呢?轉了很多台,都没好看的。是電視台希望年輕人星期六夜晚出外交朋友而不是在家裡看電視嗎?正想放弃时,突然我被吸引了。虾!那個演唱者是誰呀?! 唱歌好好聽喔,而且很有型吶!!是誰是誰?!?!? 赶紧看看銀幕上的名字,原來是是萧敬藤!这是第48屆金馬獎的重播。我以前有聽過他唱的歌,是很好聽但我對他没什麽深刻印象。為何今晚我覺得他唱的特別好聽呢?是因為外面正下著雨和夜深人靜的關系嗎?還是因為他的表演真的太帥了!


隔天我立刻上youtube下載了他當晚的演唱。*youtube萬歲!* 真的是越聽越好聽,越看越有型*陶醉* 這幾天,我又回到‘追星'的時光。上網找了很多有關萧敬藤的節目和MV。他最近有在康熙我來了,天才沖沖沖 etc 出現喔。他唱歌真的很好聽!唱的超投入,超有feel的!好欣賞他的才華!我正式封他為我的歌壇的偶像!喜歡喜歡!d(*~V~*)b


言承旭,你放心!你還是我心中唯一的演藝界偶像! 喜歡喜歡!已十年了,我還是不變心!


Monday, November 28, 2011

My happiness

Somehow, hot milo and chocolate make everything wonderful...

They are indeed a girl's best friends... They inject happiness and work all the time... Am dancing around and singing la la la now...

My Happiness

Nothing bad has happened to me... just that, it's that time of the month for me and i can't help but feel a bit restless ~_~

But not anymore... I just had my hot milo and chocolate! Yummm... I'm now strong like Popeye the sailor man :P

It's public holiday today..... and there is no reason why my mood should be spoilt by anything.... Let's say YAYEEEEeeeeee altogether \(^V^)/ Holiday is gonna end very soon but that is OK... Because we managed to skip Monday Blue today \\(^V^)// *double celebration*

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hardworking Jenn

A few months ago, i attended a 3-day world conference in KL...

There were close to 2,000 participants altogether... For 3 days, the convention centre was like a little globe, holding about 2,000 people from everywhere - from local country to countries way way up the North and way way down the Southern Hemisphere. It was like a plate of fried rice in the food world.....

When I registered myself for the conference on Sunday and also attended a half day seminar (yup, instead of going for shopping spree, I actually dedicated my personal time to seminar. Such good employee is hard to find muahahaha...), I was given a survival backpack which contained a pen, a writing pad, some read ups and also a map.... Not a map of KL city but a map of the Convention Centre.... How come they didn't enclose a compass too and some emergency food in case i get lost? Aiya, I should've put that as suggestions for improvement! :P

I've never been sOOOoo serious when attending seminars... I did my homework every night... I looked thru the next day's topics, decided which I wanted to attend, and then checked to the map to see where the venues were.... hardworking or not? Even when I go for free and easy trips, I don't look at maps! haha... Well, if they had enclosed some emergency food in the backpack, i wouldn't mind getting lost! ^^

Checking out where to visit!

Here is some tips for those who are going to attend world conferences.. Remember to wear a pair of comfortable shoes coz u'll have to walk from venues to venues.. it's like in the Uni... u have to change locations for different classes.... Also, make sure *very important* you bring a big bag (as empty as you can) coz you will need it to keep all the free gifts you collect at the exhibition...

These are just some of the free gifts i got

The only downside is, you have to queue up for almost everything... So don't forget to bring your patience with u ...

Gala dinner to end the conference

My favourite moment being sipping free cappuccino during tea breaks... We all need a little something to keep as awake ^^

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Unbelievable!!!! Part 2

On 1 April 2011, April's Fool, i wrote a post about me winning $100,000 cash from petrol station for the lucky draw contest I participated.

Guess what? I just received a call from Shell. The lady told me that I've won. OMG! I won? I mean, I WON!!

I was a bit skeptical.. I've heard too many incidents about people being conned over the phone.... So I asked, how she got my information. She said 'you submitted lucky draw contest forms at petrol stations, didn't u?" Oh ya, I did. And I submitted A LOT!! Just on that basis, I should be rewarded for my loyalty! haha...

Then she said in order for me to qualify for the prize, i must correctly answer 1 question. Darn, hate that! But for the prize, ANYTHING!

She asked her question and i gave her my answer... Then she said "Congratulations!" That is one lovely word to hear! Everybody loves that word because that means something good has happened! \(^V^)/

Even Tiger couldn't believe that I've won!
Tiger: "Huh? Are u joking?!"

My prize will arrive in 4 weeks time. So long but it's OK. I know it takes time to process...

It's nice to won a $100 petrol voucher.. Although it is 1,000 times less than the sum i wished for, well, at least I won something ^^

Am easily satisfied...That's the way to stay happy.... :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Birthday of the Century!

It's an unforgettable birthday this year... Not only that it is a special date 11.11.11, which only happens once every 100 years, i also get to celebrate this special day with all my loved ones..

I had tears in my eyes when my buddies presented me with a super duber cute (& yummy!) Hello Kitty birthday cake, a surprised birthday thrown by my dear friends, an ex-colleague whom I've not seen since she migrated came for my birthday dinner, gifts and wishes from all over the world etc... The list just goes on!

Thank you guys for everything! You guys really make my life meaningful ^^ Love you all!

Here are some happy pictures I just have to share....

Being happy is priceless

Although Jane couldn't be here to celebrate with us, but She is always in our hearts

Adorable Hello Kitty for adorable twins

Hello Kitty tasted like Banana Vanilla!

The next 11.11.11 will be in 100 yrs time. It's great that we are able to celebrate this special day together...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Need some hopes & happiness?

If you are looking hope and happiness, you are in the right page ^^

I was given a taste of happiness months ago.. Right away, i got addicted... I wanted more.. and when i got more, i wanted even more! Addictions is scary... once u are hooked, your desire becomes bigger, you become greedy, you find yourself never satisfy.. it's like a snowball... All you just want is MORE...

But for me, it's not like that.... Not anymore..... I used to get upset or sad when things don't go my way or as planned. It really drained me emotionally... I figured out *finally* that this is self-inflicted pain.. Why did I want to torture myself this way? Why did I wanna punish myself for something I've NO CONTROL over? It was crazy, right?! When things go bad, I've 2 choices ~ let myself being bothered and feel frustrated OR smile and start again... The latter is definitely a wise choice!

These days, I just go with the flow.... I haven't mastered this skill yet but I'm on that path... Life IS breezier this way... These days, I try to do everything with no expectation for returns... I finally realised that it's only when u do something without expected to be rewarded, both mentally and materially, you won't feel let down when things don't turn out the way you want or expect... What is more important is that you have learned something during the journey...

I know everyone of us wants hopes and happiness (I don't think there is anybody who wants to live in a dark, gloomy world), although hope and happiness are in your own hands but sometimes, we need a bit of help from others.... So i decided to plant a lot of hopes and happiness to cheer up those we come to my home...

For my friends who cannot make it to my place for hopes and happiness, let me bring them to you! How thoughtful am I hey? hahaha...

Lots of hopes & happiness
There are along my driveway!

May your everyday be filled with happiness....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Super Sized!

Mum received a last minute invitation the other day.. it was a food party at somebody's home..

Mum wanted to cook something to bring over but it was too short a notice.... We quickly went shopping for a present for her friend and we came home with a packet of plain flour, butter, sugar... How I tempted just to nicely wrap them, enclose a DIY recipe and give away but.... we are too thoughtful to do that...... it's just not our style... As soon as we reached home, mum wasted no time to start making presents.

I remember, when mum said she wanted to bake pineapple tarts as presents for her friend at the supermarket, my eyeballs almost dropped out... she had to be at her friend's place in 3 hours time, enough time or not? It sounds like a big project, it would need a lot of time and energy.... don't want my mum to be exhausted... mum said caaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn... it's easy.. can be ready in 20 mins time... 20 mins???? so confident huh? Hope that also includes cleaning time...

As soon as we reached home, mum started mixing flour, butter, sugar and eggs together to make the pastry while I got the pineapple filling ready and separated an egg for brushing... then she wrapped the fillings up to make little pineapples.... within 5 mins, one batch of pineapple tarts was baking in the oven... and within a few mins, our house smelled heavenly! loved the smell! it felt as if we were welcoming CNY!! \(^V^)/

While the pineapple tarts were baking, I did the cleaning. just a bowl, a knife and a brush to wash.. so simple! Gotta salute my mum for that! She made the impossible so easy!

1st batch ouf of the oven!
I tried to eat the round one but FAILED..
Too hot to handle! :p
Her friend loved the tarts.. Her eyeballs almost dropped out when she saw the size of the tarts. SoooOOOoo BIG!

Pineapple tart as big as my palm

She better gets used to it coz my mum always super-sizes her products.... sushi rolls bursting with ingredients, sandwiches about 1 storey high etc... that's my mum... her heart is always bursting with love ^^

Monday, October 17, 2011

Organic Corns

I have corns for breakfast every morning. They are fresh from mum's veggie garden. They are very very sweet and juicy!

This morning, i saw more corns sitting on the table. Yummm.. more corns to eat later! Yayeee.... \(^V^)/

Freshly picked from the garden

I love! Yummm....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


My handbag is usually very heavy... There are things I need and also things I may not need but are in there because I think I may need them -_-

What a handbag looks like doesn't matter to me as long as it can contain EVERYTHING I need....

Yup, functionality is more important than appearance.... Very practical of me huh?

The other night, I needed a bag to go grocery shopping. I was too lazy to go to my room and dig out a smaller handbag to use. I just grabbed whatever bag I saw nearby... and what kind of bag i went out with?

Pinkish see-thru bag!

Stylish or not? haha....

Not only is it FOC, I can even see what's inside and best of all, it's safer than nice bags which attract thieves' attention hehe...

What's even better, it comes in various sizes and colours... :P

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This was me a last week....

Feeling sleepy

Mind is unclear

Can hardly breath

Can hardly taste food

Darn, how i hate having flu!

My parents were eating durians last weekend. I shouldn't be eating because am already sick. But my mum kept asking me to eat coz the durians were really yummy. I resisted until I saw them eating too much. You know, durians are too sweet and heaty for them. A bit is OK but too much is definitely not good for their health. So, me being a filial daughter chose to sacrifice myself and joined them so they would have less to eat... Gosh, am such a great daughter!

Durians were indeed yummy!

What happened the next day?

Feeling sleepier

Mind is blank and unable to think

Nose is officially blocked. Have to breath via mouth

Can't taste food at all


Sore throat and coughing

Eyes and head are heavy


That's the result of taking too much durians... and while being sick...

Made myself Manuka Honey drink to consume... Hopefully will recover ASAP.... In case my parents buy more durians to eat I will have the strength to help...

Pooh bear is eating honey!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A gift of love

I just received my first birthday present for the year! And my birthday is still 2 months away...\(^V^)/

Like jane said, good surprises once in a while spice up life and give your heart some positive boost... But life is life, nobody can avoid bad ones too ... Let's just hope these ones don't happen too often :P

My friend passed me a nicely wrapped present a few days ago. She said she couldn't wait til my birthday to give me, hence an early birthday wish..... I, on the other hand, COULD wait for my birthday to come because I wanna stay at 25 forever.... but any early birthday presents are sure welcomed ^^

What could it be?

Like others, I shook the present up and down to try and guess what's inside. It totally made no sound! Also, holding the gift in my hand felt.... 'empty'. It was like having nothing in my hand! Then I started to wonder if my friend was actually playing a joke on me... is it really... empty? >_<

Can't blame me for having such suspicion because once upon a time, I was tricked...... by very own flesh and blood sister......

One year, we siblings decided that we should have gifts exchange on Xmas day.... presents started to pile up under the tree and one big box had my name on it. It was darn heavy too! I was so excited.. What could it be?

On 25th of December 1994 (yes, i remember the darn date too!), I practically tore open my present.... The gift box was filled with paper balls.... i dug thru them and at the very bottom, I found a big chunk of rock! Ha! I wish it was a big diamond! The rock wasn't even new! It was taken (or should i say, borrowed) from our garden! You couldn't imagine how disappointed I was.... then something made me smile thru my tears... there was a set of pinkish heart-shaped hair pins! They were so pretty... and what made it special is that, it was a gift from my sister's heart....

Back to my original topic, although the gift felt as if it was empty, i was sure my friend had stuffed her 'love' in it... it's a matter of whether I could feel it or not.... I carefully tore open the present and guess what i saw....

A kitty cat in my favourite colour! My friend handmade it herself...

Say meowwww....

Am so touched *sob sob*

You know, nothing can bother u if you have a positive heart and mind....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mum is in action again....

The aroma of freshly baked moon cakes filled the house this morning. Yup, mum's baking more moon cakes ^V^ she wants to give them as gifts to a few friends as appreciation. No gifts are better than gifts with hands and hearts :)

Gifts from mum's heart

I did request mum to make me an egg york only moon cake. But she said "CANNOT!" It's too high in cholesterol... :( It's alright... because mum wants me to be healthy ^^

Mum's golden mooncakes

It's Lantern Festival next Monday... Hope it won't be cloudy on that night coz I wanna hang colourful lanterns around my car porch (if I'm up to it that night :P), eat homemade moon cake, sip green tea, enjoy the evening breeze and watch the moon.....

Some people always say 外国的月亮比较圆. Is it true? I wanna say, YES, it's true! The moon in Aus is HUGE! Esp when it's full moon! I remember looking out from my dark room one sleepless night and saw a gigantic moon! It was amazing! It's like if u really look at it, you could see the species living on it.. or you could see ET & his friend cycling over the moon, or a cow jumping over the moon hahaha... too much movies and kiddy songs is not good huh? haha... The moon was indeed very big and bright. I remember reading under the moonlight on that sleepless night... I wasn't exaggerating. I really did that as I couldn't turn on the lamp because that would wake Jane up... ah, the good old days....

Wait..... walking down memory lane is a sign of aging! haha....


Thursday, September 1, 2011


我在上班時間有聽音樂的習慣。快樂的環境很重要嘛。呵呵。。。 由於不方便大聲聽,我都會用耳機聽音樂的。有沒有很有公德心?:P


不知何時開始,一邊的聽筒燒了。升為持家勤儉的好女孩,我沒有嫌棄它。還是乖乖的照著用。只是一次只有一邊的耳朵能享福。 右耳和左耳很合作,他們沒有打架喔。是和樂融融的。這樣的日子也過了很久。

那天,我的‘單筒耳機’竟然沒聲音了!沒有音樂的辦公室立刻變成灰色的。好悲傷的顏色啊! 假期一來臨,我趕緊去買了一對新的耳機。是可愛粉嫩的粉紅色喔。看了就讓人心情愉快!

星期一,我帶著期待的心情來上班。哇,我的世界又再次充滿了色 彩,而且是粉紅色的!不但如此,我的左右耳終於得到公平的對待了!雙耳聽音樂的感覺很棒!

第二天,我仍帶著快樂的心情上班。來到座位時,我沒發現掉在地上的新耳機,結果我笨重的身體踩在上面,還‘卡’了一聲!!往下看,是我可愛的新耳機 耶。


只能說,我的雙耳沒有福報。 呵呵.....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mum's moon cake

Ghost month is ending.... That means it's time for moon cakes and lanterns soon!

Time really flies. I remember writing about my way of eating moon cake only not long ago. Has it been one year?

I started eating moon cakes weeks ago. *lucky me* I remember years ago when we were studying in Aus, moon cake festival felt like any other normal day. One day, we sat together and talked about how much we missed moon cakes and colourful lanterns back home. Mum being mum, she decided to make moon cakes for us to cheer us up.....

Mum did make 4 moon cakes with her hands. I remember them sitting on a white plate on the dining table. They looked exactly like store bought! We were as happy as a butterfly and all of us couldn't wait to dig in. Upon one bite, we realised that the moon cakes were hard like a rock! We even threw it on the floor and it was still in ONE piece! haha...

I remember dad laughingly said that if the world ever runs out of rocks and stones, we could get mum to make. Muahaha.. i imagine a house made with moon cakes instead of bricks. Would it attract lots of ants ah?

This year, my mum decided to challenge moon cake making again. I was a bit doubtful coz if they are rock-hard, what should we do with them? Use them as weapons or build a moon cake house for Tiger?

That day, i went home and found moon cakes on the table. This time they tasted superb! just like the moon cakes made by professionals!

Homemade mooncakes

They weren't hard at all... Mum said she used the wrong flour last time because when too much golden syrup is mixed with plain flour, it means hardened dough... Oooo....Mystery revealed!

I wonder if mum could make me a special mooncake with ONLY salted egg york filling...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

re-live my memory....

Remember i mentioned before that my mum used to make super big sushi for us to bring to school as lunch when we were studying in Aus?

Mum must have felt my 思念 coz this morning, she made me two super big sushi!
When I came downstairs, the sushi were already on the table for me. I felt as if I was a kid, back in high school again...

Mum's sushi rolls

I still ate the way I did ~ holding the roll of sushi in my hands and munching away.... The fillings were oozing out just like how it was during school time. My heart was filled with happiness and memories of me sitting with a group of friends outside the classroom re-lived.

Mum's sushi still tastes delicious, just like the way it is many many years ago....

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fun with Family

It's super late but better than never right? :P

This year, after lots of mails sending and phone calls, our long awaited family trip finally materialised! *hip hip hooray!!* With siblings everywhere, it was quite difficult to decide on a meeting point. HA! And i thought setting a date that is OK for everyone is hard enough!

When I was small, we had family trips very often. I remember us going to Genting Highlands, KL, Penang, SIN, Perth..... Then when we studied in Aust, my parents would take us on family road trips during school holidays... We stopped at small towns along the way until we reached our final destination. It was great fun! While my dad drove, we, the kids just ate, talked, enjoyed the scenery, fell asleep then woke up, ate, talked, enjoyed the scenery, fell asleep then woke up, ... the cycle begins again & again..... Thinking back now, I really miss that kind of family trips! Simple yet memorable...

Now, we all live in different countries and family trips become impossible. We've been trying to arrange one LONG AGO but someone always couldn't make it :( That's the trouble for having big family and everyone scattered everywhere...

This year, my parents decided that we should have our long awaited family trip in Brisbane. Yup, a place with no CNY feel at all but it sure has a lot of sunshine (& seafood!) to offer.... Unlike summer in Perth, there are no annoying, as-big-as-a-black-bean flies to bug us! and the weather is not too hot...

We rented a car to drive around and we all think that Brisbane ppl are kind and patient. We did many last minute lane change as we were not v familiar with the way and not once did we get a 3rd finger greeting, 'friendly' shouts or being honked at! Amazing ppl right?

We also rented an apartment in the city.. and it overlooked Story Bridge. Very nice view... It was a relaxing family trip. We didn't try to do too many things in a day.. just taking it easy... oh, but we did eat a little too much in Brisbane... We never have any problem when it comes to food.... if only it was the same for our family trip arrangement, then we wouldn't have to wait so long for it to happen!! Haha...

And I drank lots of coffee and choc while in Brisbane.... just couldn't resist since these are their specialties. I can't imagine what their milk tea will taste like! u gotta eat and drink what they are good at! Gotta be flexible to change taste according to the culture ^^ That's my food philosophy when holidaying. But.... NO BUGS plssss....

Family time

Gold Coast

How I miss our family vacation.. I wonder when our next one will be.....

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Park here and there

I thought parking illegally by roadside is bad enough. Yesterday, I spotted this

Someone parked his/her car in the MIDDLE of the road, blocking everyone else from entering the car park! Cool or not? The car may be small in size but the driver's ego is sure huge! hahaha...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hope and Happiness

There is a secret garden at my home. Haha, not secret actually. I just wanna make it sound mysterious so you would feel curious and continue reading *心機重*

I saw mum digging lots of holes in the garden a few weeks ago. Then I saw her watering and fertilising every evening. I asked her what she planted. She told me to wait and see. Oooo, I like surprises but I hope I don't have to wait too long!

After a few weeks, they finally blossomed! (^V^)

The flowers are bright yellowish.. from far, they kinda look like many little sunshine. very cute... They really brighten up my days :)

I asked ma for the name. She said they are called 新花 (New Flower). Ah? Weird name for such beautiful flowers.. I secretly changed their names to 小太陽 (Little Sunshine) coz they really look like one from far...

I made a request to ma to plant more 小太陽 in our backyard so that every time we look outside, we see hope and happiness...

Hello sunshine!

So bright So cute So Happy

Even the bee loves it!

Hope they bring colours to your day too :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Diet No More....

I say I wanna go on a diet so often that some of you (esp LJ) is sick of the phrase... I'm very serious about it. I REALLY wanna go on a diet coz being tall, it's important NOT to be too fat unless I'm planning to join the sumo team...

I do try very hard to watch my weight. The thing is, mum always cooks nice food every day. And it's like a feast enough for 10 people! My dad eats v little while my mum sometimes skips meal coz being the chef, she claims that she is full just by cooking it. Me being a 持家节俭的好女生, wasting food is a big NO NO. So what do i do? I stuff all into my tiny tummy, which is no longer tiny T______T

Lately, mum is into making new food she hasn't tried before. In one week, she made chicken pies twice, crispy-skinned roasted pork twice, egg tarts, lo bak (braised pork) and salted chicken. With so much delicious food, how is it possible not to eat? *Where is my will to lose weight?*

Homemade chicken pies

Penang "Chick" Ku Teh

Mum just returned from her 1 week Thai & WM trip. Before we could finish mum's 3 bags full of food from China, she bought another bag full of food.

more food on top of lots of food

Mum even bought birdnest dessert all the way from Thailand for me! WAH.. so touched ^^

Nice packaging!

It comes with a spoon somemore

Oh well, i might as well just stop dieting since that's never gonna work. Let me just sit back, relax, enjoy mum's love and BE FAT.... (^@^)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cool or not?

Found these in my colleague's car

Her new generation Sunglasses

Did you spot anything unusual about them?

My colleague bought a pair of sunglasses but as she is short-sighted, she needs them re-done. Instead of taking them to the optometrist, she decided to DIY. And here is how they look like, close up....

Lens + clear sticky tapes! haha

I laughed so hard when i saw how she did it. Then laughed til my tummy aches when she said " Actually, I wanted to use superglue one..."

Would like a pair just like that? LOL

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I did something very bad... i feel guilty abt it and i want to confess and ask for forgiveness.

It was unintentional.I Did it thinking that this will benefit it. But because of my lack of knowledge, i actually killed it :'( Good motive but bad action...

I mentioned about how mum spends a lot of time and effort in growing organic veggies and fruits. That day, I saw two big ang mo liu liang hanging on the tree and to prevent the birds from getting to them before me, I plucked them. Mum was in China at the time and being a filial daughter, i wanted to save the sour sop for her.

NORMALLY, to keep things fresh, we will keep them in the refrigerator right? That's what i did but when i took it out and tried to cut it for mum to eat, it totally DRIED out and was as hard as a rock! HOW COME?!

Totally cannot cut thru T__T

Mum said "Aiya, ang mo liu lian is just like banana. Cannot put in the fridge"

Aiyaya.. I know that guava and banana don't like cold place but ang mo liu lian being an ang mo ('Caucasian' in Hokkien), it should be able to live in the cold leh...

Oh well, now i know... Not only can looks be deceiving, names can be deceiving too! Like how Winter melon doesn't grow in the winter, Rock Melon is not hard like a rock and eggs doesn't grow on eggplant etc.....

Monday, June 20, 2011


Last January, my brother accidentally locked the study room from inside. As we did not have the key to open the door, my dad dismantled the door knob. Ever since that very day, there is a BIG hole in the door.

Can "see thru" from outside

At that time, i thought it wouldn't be a permanent thing because my dad would fix it like what he always did when we were small. I also figured that this is a man's job so nobody would expect me, a girl to handle it.

One day turned into one week, one week became one month, soon one year came and went, the hole is still there T__T

Last weekend, I finally ended the knob-less door life *hooray!*

I knew nothing about door knob so i started by asking my male friends abt it. Naturally right? Since they are men, they should know how to do work like this. But mannn... it turns out that they were just as clueless as me! *not man at all guys!* hehe...

So I went to my trusted google and did some research. Then with limited knowledge, I hopped into the store and bought a copper coloured door knob. At home, I sat at the table examining the knob trying to figure out how it works.

Mannn.. am really proud of myself. Look! I installed the knob all by myself!! *la la la...* Am I invincible or what? haha...

FIXED by ME me ME!

la la la.. the power of determination is incredible! I realised that nothing is difficult when u set your heart on it! Long life to the phrase 天下无难事,只怕有心人!

When we have problems, we could either sit there and complain about how unfair life is or face it, deal with it and fix it. Am glad that I chose the latter although it came 2 yrs late T____T oh well, it's better late than never right? hehe...

Let's face it, problems will not disappear by themselves. They will only go away only if u DEAL with them and FIX them....

And do you know, many times WE are the problems ourselves... DOH! *Cannot accept the truth!*

Monday, June 13, 2011

Garden Talk

My mum spends quite a bit of time in her garden everyday. I really salute mum coz gardening is really hard work! Believe when I said it's hard work. I was mum's garden caretaker while she enjoyed herself in shanghai with Jane for 3 weeks.

Everyday, i prayed for it to rain so i didn't have to water the plants. It was darn hot in the beginning and mum's plants all looked very sad. If they died of depression, I would surely be held responsible! So, i spent at least half an hour every evening to make the plants happy again...

Then, it started to rain everyday. I was happy coz that means no watering required! yayeeee... my prayer answered! ^V^ BUT, the weeds started to grow bigger than the plants. If mum's plants are malnutrition, I would also be held responsible. So I spent my evening pulling out the weeds T__T

Well, that's life. No matter what happens, there is always something else :P

I really dunno how my mum does it. Gardening really requires strong determination and lots of effort!

My hard work was well rewarded. Mum bought the whole Shanghai and Xi'an back. All stuffed in 3 bags. AMAZING?! how she managed to stuff the whole china in 3 bags? I dunno...

Mum's hard work is paid off too. Just look at the two big angmo liu lian ("sour sop") daggling on the tree! I'd blended sour sop juice this morn. Nice!

All green green. Can u see sour sops?

There are more organic produce to come soon... *Excited* And what's even more exciting is that, am free from gardening work since mum's back! yayeee...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Need Help

Everyday and night, I hear crackling sound coming from the ceiling. Sometimes I even see black shadows flash by. They are so fast that I can't see what they are. And fruits go missing mysteriously from the kitchen and packets of food are messily opened, eaten and left behind. Lately, the kitchen even smells of Ammonia! -__-

Darn. My home is turning into a Rat nest! Umm.. or it already is one? One night, I even saw a mouse looking in from outside the window. Sort of like this

If only it's as cute as this

Sounds cute hey? ha!! If u have to deal with the crackling sound, missing fruits, messy stains, pee and shit, will u still think it's cute?

Last night, i went to bed at 1am coz I was throwing away all the messy packets of food in the kitchen *hardworking* Am feeling sleepy now *yawn* I even bought lots of containers to keep my mum's 'stocks' to prevent the rats from reaching them. I figured that if there is NOTHING for the rats to eat, they will starve and eventually move out from our home. Am I right?

SOS..... Do u have any better ideas on how to get the rats to willingly leave? Am a peaceful person, no killing ya... or do i have to find ways to live harmoniously with them? muahahaha...

The real challenge is, how to get my mum to co-operate with me so she would stop buying too much food?