Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I did something very bad... i feel guilty abt it and i want to confess and ask for forgiveness.

It was unintentional.I Did it thinking that this will benefit it. But because of my lack of knowledge, i actually killed it :'( Good motive but bad action...

I mentioned about how mum spends a lot of time and effort in growing organic veggies and fruits. That day, I saw two big ang mo liu liang hanging on the tree and to prevent the birds from getting to them before me, I plucked them. Mum was in China at the time and being a filial daughter, i wanted to save the sour sop for her.

NORMALLY, to keep things fresh, we will keep them in the refrigerator right? That's what i did but when i took it out and tried to cut it for mum to eat, it totally DRIED out and was as hard as a rock! HOW COME?!

Totally cannot cut thru T__T

Mum said "Aiya, ang mo liu lian is just like banana. Cannot put in the fridge"

Aiyaya.. I know that guava and banana don't like cold place but ang mo liu lian being an ang mo ('Caucasian' in Hokkien), it should be able to live in the cold leh...

Oh well, now i know... Not only can looks be deceiving, names can be deceiving too! Like how Winter melon doesn't grow in the winter, Rock Melon is not hard like a rock and eggs doesn't grow on eggplant etc.....


lj said...

because ang moh migrate to tropical country so his nature also change liao~ than have u try to make it become ice blended soursop? heehee~

baby jane said...

hahahahahha....another lesson learned!! well, now it's rock liu lian lo...have fun eating it