Monday, July 26, 2010

My Holiday (Part 2)

Haha, did you really think I went to a foreignland for holiday when u read the title? Gotcha! haha...

It sounds like a big budget movie when i split the related post into a few parts... Hope you'd enjoyed my little holiday so far :)

... I was still drinking my milk tea from the plastic bag when I arrived at the old court house. Ooo Look! New cafe at the court house! mannn.. I've not been out here for too long! Since when is this nice cafe opened?! It looks like a cozy place. I wanna come here one day! Seriously, I really felt like i was in a foreign land! I discovered so many new things! Again, was it because of the tourists around me??? or was it because I really wanted to go holidaying???

Cafe at courthouse

Thank goodness for the gigantic trees at the court house! It was so cool there that I decided to give my poor legs (& bum) a rest. Found a place near the cafe to sit.

Ooo, shade... me felt soOOo cool

The occasional breeze really cooled me down. Would be nice to spend sometime at the Cafe but I don't think they would let me bring my 'outside' drink in. Also, I felt quite bloated after the big bag of milk tea so really, what's the point of going to a cafe if I won't be having any drinks? To use free Wi-fi of course! But i don't have a laptop ;(

Entrance of court house!
Looks like postcard hor? hehe...

The wind and the relaxing atmosphere kinda made me feel lazy and sleepy so i thought i better leave to keep myself awake. Since I'd walked so far, i decided to continue my journey to India Street. Woo hoo hoo, I still couldn't believe how far i'd walked as I write abt my little holiday now.

I passed by the Indian stores. SoOOo many colourful spices! None I know of though... Yeah, I'm lousy in the cooking department :P I was a bit tempted to buy the papadoms but am lazy to fry them at home. Nah, i think I will just buy the ready-fried ones at Indian restaurants...

I walked thru the little alley to get to the heart of India Street. The pathway is v narrow. Although there weren't any signboards but we the pedestrians seemed to know when and where to give way to other ppl. I then walked all the way to Coffin Street hoping to get a few pieces of
the delicious taro century egg puffs. I was there too late. There wasn't any left T______________T SOOooooo disappointed!

After window shopped for a while, I headed back to Hilltop. This time, i decided to take a different route - thru Carpenter Street! Must see different 'scenery' so I wouldn't get bored. And probably discovered more new things!! Yayee...

On my way to carpenter street!

Halfway thru my return, I saw a little hawker store near the temple. OOoo, it's Lak Tou Sua (Split Bean soup)! Wah, I haven't seen ppl selling lak tou sua like that since dunno when! It really reminded me of my childhood.

Taokeh busy with my lak tou sua

When I was small, there were ppl selling Tou Fu Hua (Beancurd Jelly) in wooden bucket at the streetside. When we ordered, the ppl would opened the wooded lid and scooped out the still-warm tou fu hua. Then they would put the jiggling jelly in a bowl and poured some pandan flavoured sugar syrup over it. Anyone know where to get such toufu hua these days? haha, now you know which generation i belong to.

lak tou sua cooking in 'face bucket'

OOOooo, did u know that many of the shops along Carpenter Street have been converted to guesthouse? Some are as cheap as $18 per night! The shops in that area are pretty old, I wonder if cockcroaches and mice come out dancing at night :P

By the time I reached my car at the hill top, I realised that I'd walked for about 4 hours!! I must say, this was a fruitful walk. I walked a lot, saw a lot, did a lot, learned a lot, thought a lot and sweated a lot. What amazed me is that, there are actually quite a lot to do here!!

I saw this wooden coaster and couldn't resist. It's handcrafted. U like it?

Dayak Coaster

There, that's the end of my little holiday in my hometown.

Did i lose you somewhere? hehe...


Cindy said...


jenn said...

I hope i've motivated you cindy :P

Am looking forward to your post abt your holiday already *giving u a bit of pressure* hehe...

baby jane said...

got holiday part 3 kah? it was indeed a nice walk and very motivating...and kinda feel that kch is a beautiful city lo...i only found out after i left...apalah...

like everything in the post...part 3 pls....