Friday, July 30, 2010

Guess what this is?

Looks like something u have in the kitchen right? Hehe... Nope, it's not an oven mitten.

It's something i bought for Tiger. Don't underestimate this simple glove. It has quite a few functions. I can achieve several things at one time. Incredible leh...?

I can use it to pat Tiger so he feels loved and at the same time give him massage so he loves me even more; also, combing thru his fur with this gives him silky hair so ppl know that Tiger has a super caring owner (me me me)!

Tiger really enjoys his patting, massage and combing... Come, I can let u use it so long as Tiger doesn't get jealous and bite u...


baby jane said...

he does look like he is enjoying himself there...mayb i can try combing you and u can tell me how comfy it is...hehehe..

tiger's fur is very nice..sometime so shiny that he looks bold..hahaa

jenn said...

nothing beats trying it out yourself!