Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm ashamed

It's almost end of June and i haven't progressed much....

This is the 'reminder'on my table.

What's a reminder for ah? Pls don't remind me.............

Thursday, June 24, 2010


It was raining when i woke up today. My long awaited weather!!

It has been v warm lately *drought* The orchid plants at home bend their bodies hoping to hide from the hot sun. My dog prefers to lie lazily on the cold tiles instead of eating his dinner. As for me, even after 2 cold showers at night, i still feel warm. Looks like everyone is doing all they can to cool themselves. I sure hope it stays wet and gloomy like this for another few days...

I left home earlier than usual this morn. Despite the rainy weather, there were not many cars on the road. When I reached the junction, it was green light! Ooooo hoo hoo.. I think I could make it in time to join my
friends at the kopitiam for some teh c and kaya & butter toasts! ^V^ This is good! Today will be a great day!

When I arrived at the roundabout, there was a slight traffic jam BUT the
good thing is, cars were moving pretty smoothly. Yaye! Looks like I could even listen to a few gossips while enjoying my toasts and teh c before work!

Then, like in bumper car, there was a loud crash and my car went forward and my head almost hit the steering wheel (Ok, exaggerated a bit but u can imagine the impact lah :P) Damn! Someone knocked into my car! All my dream clouds disappeared. Haiyaahhh.. why on this fine day???

The good thing is (yes, another good thing), my car wasn't seriously damaged. Just some scratches and peeling here and there. I didn't give her a hard time and just let her go. I'm not sure who is the lucky one here. The woman, for bumping into a nice person like me? Or me, for my car only suffers from minor damages.

Oh well, I'd say, it's the kopitiam boss who is the unlucky one for she makes $4 less on drinks & toasts this morning.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm hungry....

Tiger reminds me of something tasty.

Tiger eating banana fritter

WUuuuiiiiii, what are u thinking?! I don't like to eat Hot Dogs. AND most importantly, I DON't eat dogs! Esp my own pet.

I was talking abt this.


Pork bun! Looks yummy isn't it? Or do u find Tiger tastier? hehe...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy 端午節!

哇, 今天是端午節了! 這幾天我們家收到了很多親朋好友自家做的粽子. 有花生的, 有蝦米的, 有鹵豬肉的. 最豪華的是裡面有一顆咸蛋黃的喲. 哈~ 這回不用等到中秋節的蛋黃月餅, 也能吃到有蛋黃了. 超開心!

現在真是太方便了.只要想吃, 隨時隨地都能買到粽子. 可是不管怎樣, 還是媽媽親手做的吃了才會心暖暖. 還是家裡的粽子最美味! 而且媽媽的粽子超多料的!

我有告訴媽媽說我個人的粽子要放很多很多的栗子. 今早看見一碗泡著水的栗子. 嘿, 我有一股很好的預感喔. 希望我心想事成! Yayeee….

家裡的粽子! 吃!

We are going out for dinner tonight to celebrate Father's Day + 端午节. Yeah, it's a 2-in-1 dinner. Hehe, I'm sure my dad doesn't mind :P I'm still feeling quite full though. zong zi (粽子) have filled up all 4 of my stomaches! hehe...

My colleagues brought a few bags of zong zi for us this morning *幸福* I was given 2 huge ones. Mum also gave me 1 zong zi as breakfast this morn. I ate all 3 of them coz they were still warm. Warm Zong Zi tastes super good!

My breakfast

How many have i eaten so far ah? Let me count. I ate 3 this morn + 2 yesterday + 2 the day before + 2 the day before before. wah, I'd already had a total 9 zong zi in 4 days! woohoo... so many! *burp* Anyone beats my record?

I took some Emperor's green tea from my millionaire friend just now. Hehe, hopefully it can help to 'dissolve' the fat i've put in for the past 4 days...

I will be living on zong zi for a while as we still have quite a lot in the fridge. I've a feeling that I'll look like zong zi soon... :P

My diet tea :P

Monday, June 14, 2010

What's so tiring?

I've meant to do it months ago but i was tooOOOoo lazy (not really an excuse but often my excuse :P). The thought of having to spend hours to achieve it tires me *hard work* I really don't understand why it is so exhausting since it is others who do all the work while all i do is sit and wait. oh, and some occasional walking too. But still, it's tiring ok.

This is the result of my 5 hours of hardwork

Look like Jane or not?

Can't tell any difference between my new and old hairstyles? Okie, u r blind :P My hair has got more volume than before and the curls are smaller. If they are still not obvious to u, u need to get your eyes checked ... hehehe....

When i told Jane that i'm going to do my hair, she said 'wah, u like curly hair also!". Actually, i don't really have any preferences. So long as the hairstyle requires NO maintenance, i'm into it hehe... Okie, it's not true. All kind of hairstyles requires some maintenance. Even bald ppl need to shave their heads often to stay 'shiny'.

I'd long straight hair ever since the new invention in 2002. Maaannn, kids these days are so lucky to be able to have straight hair. I went thru my teenage life with unmanageable, impossible hair! T_T

Straight hair is good but my scalp and hair really need a little break. Too much wrestling going on during the whole process. The hairdresser pulls hard to straighten hair while I've to wrestle hard so my head doesn't get detached from my neck. Too much fighting going on!! Also, seeing smokes from hair ironing really hurts my hair (and heart)...

I wanna dye my hair too but am too lazzyy... how i wish i could leave my head at the hairdresser then go back to collect after that!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gawai Holiday Outing

This Gawai holiday, we went to Sematan to visit mum's friend's holiday home. Actually, I didn't feel like going when mum mentioned abt it the day before because Sematan is faaaaarrrr from town and I'm always bored during the long ride as there is nothing to see. I mean, it's jungle all the way and no interesting stops in between *ZzzZzz*

I've always felt that the scenery along the way to Sematan is very 'normal'. The jungle looks just like the bush in front of my home, only many many times bigger. Sometimes I even wonder if the tourists regrets visiting here! Haha, how unappreciative i was!!

This road trip totally changed my feelings. There are actually quite a lot of things to see! Can see blue blue sky, mountains covered by cotton-like clouds, green green land, simple houses with no fences, chickens running around freely, homegrown vegetable patches, fresh corns being sold by the roadside...... It is peaceful and calm. And life here feels pretty relaxed and simple too.

How could I be so blind not to notice any of these last time? So careless of me.... Looking at the beautiful scenery flashing by, I actually felt grateful that I was born here. It's true that when u stay in one place, u tend to 'overlook' its beauty. Taking things for granted is a bad habit oh...

The magnificent view along the way to Sematan kinda reminded me of my trip to Sapa back in 2008. I raved about how beautiful Sapa is but forgot that i too have heavenly scenery like that just hours away from my home. No wonder when I showed my Sapa pictures to pa and ma, they laughed and said "look almost like here leh"....

One more great thing abt Sematan is that, there is nice clear blue ocean nearby. It's quite quiet over there. You can even swim naked there if u want and also not having to worry abt seeing your video on internet someday hehehe...

That day, we got ourselves a few fresh lobsters for dinner. They were yum yum btw. Mum's friends also bbq-ed one super duber big fish they bought at the Sematan morn market. Fresh seafood is the best! And they gave us each a pandan coconut which they picked from their garden. Aaahhh... life is sweet and cool ..........

I'm so glad that mum's friends invited us to her holiday home. If it weren't for them, I would not have discovered the beauty of my home town.

Took some pictures of my mum's friend's backyard in Sematan using my phone. I kinda regret that I didn't bring a camera with me. hehe, I didn't expect much from this trip :(

Blue Sky

Islands!! I want to buy!

More island!
Beautiful scenery. Kinda look like poster

Blue sky, blue sea, white sandy beach

I didn't take any photos of the mountaints etc ... May be you can drive down to Sematan yourself and see it with your own eyes... :P