I had a little pep talk with Tiger today while taking him to the vet last night.
I've had enough of his landmines at the car porch area. He just keeps pooping there like nobody's business no matter how i toilet train him! The portions out of him are not exactly small and they scatter here and there like stars in the sky. If only they twinkled like one! *fed up*
Mannn... Am seriously thinking of changing his name to 'Sai Ong' (Hokkien: Shit King).
Sai Ong is cute when he wags his tail and shakes his butt from left to right and then tangles himself around people's legs like a snake. But totally NOT when I madly wash the car porch while he jumps back and forth barking at and chasing after the moving broom.
Arrgghh! He really makes me like and hate him! I don't understand why he doesn't get it since he obediently poops in the backyard every evening.
Hmmpphh.. If only he could talk, i wanna know what his problem is.