Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Weekend

Twins will always be twins. Not only do Jane and I were born on the same day but we also had a little gathering at our place on the same day. In different countries though...

We didn't plan together. We found out about it when I mentioned to Jane that we would have a potluck at my place on Saturday. Then she screamed "ME TOO!" What a coincident!

Dad and Mum were away from town at the weekend and I took this rare chance to demolish my mum's empire - her years of creation; her collection of food in the kitchen. Like Jane, I kinda regretted for making myself so busy and exhausted! I actually spent two days tidying up the kitchen! Yup, that's how much things we have in that little kitchen alone. I couldn't even bring myself to think about cleaning the whole house. It will be a nightmare for sure!

In between, I had to get ready for the potluck too. Hundreds of recipes went through my mind. I really wanted to turn those gourmet meals I've imagined all these years into reality but due to time constraint and my limited cooking skills, I made Coleslaw and Sago Milk. They are not as easy as expected OK. A lot of time and skills are still required. I slided my fingers into the blade when I did the carrot *ouch* [got my blood & sweat!]. Also, I manually extracted the coconut milk with hands.. *hard work*

I almost gave up half way through the cleaning and cooking. Doing two things at one time was really not fun! Why would anyone bring this onto oneself? Because...... to achieve many things in one go! Greedy but the end-result is satisfying provided you do not quit half way. And, Jenn is no quitter! :p

I did manage to shrink my mum's empire a bit. Found many gems during the demolition process. And we all had a lot of fun (& food) last night :) Just look at the food we had. It's making me hungry all over again ;p

Looks like somebody is hungrier than I'm


Anonymous said...

WHAT!!! only coleslaw n sago milk!! ooi jenn, Jane is cooking 'all pork feast' n u only do the cold dishes is it? u two should 'kongsi'and than both of u can have full course dinner! ha ha!

Anonymous said...

don't be like that leeehhh... mine may be a bit 'humble' and 'uncomplicated' compared to jane's but in fact, mine required a lot of steps and attention wor..

Anonymous said...

actually mine was much easier..i just dumped all the pork ribs into soup and go tat heng's hands?