Sunday, June 8, 2008

Back from Vietnam

Jenn's back!

Miss me a lot I bet ;p

My Vietnam trip is indeed very adventurous and interesting. Not the kind of luxurious, wake-up-eat-see-sleep trip many people prefer. I walked a lot, climbed a lot, sweat a lot, spent a lot, see a lot, experienced a lot, and ate a lot in this trip. The only thing that is not enough is time. There were so much to do but just not enough time! And because of that, we slept not a lot @.@ *Panda Jenn* We rose early everyday so we had a longer day ahead of us. Yeah, it does sound tiring but I really loved and enjoyed every bit of it :)

It's kinda nice not being able to be contacted for the past 9 days hehe.. It's like I'd disappeared from earth for a while and then come back... I thought I couldn't live without internet and mobile phones but in fact...... I can! :) Wonderful feeling!

I was glad that the weather forecast wasn't accurate. My little red ridding hood rain coat is still neatly folded in its pouch hehe... We were lucky that I didn't rain when we trekked in Sapa. The ground is slippery enough without a drop of rain! Sapa... it's a really nice little town. Wish I could spend a little bit longer there. I think I could live more than 100 with its fresh air, cool weather, beauty, quietness & peacefulness, its fragrant, big, round, fat rice, organic veggies & fresh fruits planted by the locals and the 'garden' pigs & chickens! But I didn't stay because I don't want to live longer than my loved ones. You know what I mean.... ;p

Will post my holiday pictures as soon as I can ^^ Am tired. Had very little sleep today. Me want to go meet Sleep Fairies now and dream about my simple life back in Vietnam..........

Nite Nite.......

The result of walking too much -
My precious shoes now have 'Crocodile's mouth'


Jane Jane said...

sounds like a nice trip..wish i could b rain for u in vietnam coz i soaked it all frm rained cats and dogs in both taipei and HK and in HK even got flood...oh my oh my...cant wait to see ur pics ^^

Tracy said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to see your post on your vietnam trip! i;m right here waiting for you!