Friday, April 27, 2007

Inconsiderate Nincompoop

I woke up one hour earlier than usual as I wanted to be among the 1st to settle tax payment today (FYI, the counter opens at 7.30am). Don't get me wrong. I'm not being kia su. I just wanted to get official matter done fast so I can reach office, with a relax mind, before 8am. Yup, i know... I'm a very responsible citizen as well as a hardworking employee... ^V^

My sacrifice of sleep was worth it as i was the Second in the line! Yayeeee.. I made it! ;)

However, my satisfaction soon vanished because the moron in front of me decided to hold up the queue by ONLY issuing chequeS at the cashier counter (to be exact, he issued 6 altogether!!) How considerate is that?!!! He obviously has no consideration whatsoever for other people's precious time!! I lost something priceless because of his selfishness! How would he feel if the situation was reversed??? Gosh, this is what I had to deal with early in the morning!

After he got his long list of receipts, he turned around & showed us a look of triumph - 'Hey, what are u guys looking at?!?!?! You guys deserved the wait! See how many cheques I've to issue?? I contribute a lot to my country you know!!!" How i wish to smash his face, kick his butt, snap his bones into pieces, pull his hair out, rip his skin open! Really felt like kicking some ass!!


[This is exactly what i felt like doing!! BTW, it should be kick ass GAL hahaha]

Hey Dude, I contribute to my country too!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

New Fashion Logos

What do u think of people with tattoos and body piercings? Some of us have the perception that only pai kia a.k.a gangsters decorate their bodies with these to show their 'special' status in the society. If you have seen HK Gangster Movies, you know what I'm talking about....

Our society has now changed. These are no longer the 'official logos' worn by pai kia or Gangsters. In fact, a long of Average people (young or old, fat or stick thin, tall or short, pretty or sorry looking, gangster or not etc) have one or more body piercings and/or tattoos on their backs, necks, ankles, hands, arms, shoulders and God knows where else! It's important not to overdo it though. You don't wanna end up looking like this dude below:
(Hey dude, you look very attractive and cool!)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cyber Talk

I really miss my streamyx!

When I first got it installed, I almost went insane because it was painfully slooOOOoow and kept disconnecting by itself!! AND it took more than 2 days to download 1 movie! Hey, it's cheaper to buy a DVD from Kenyalang! Just think of the amount of time and $$$ I need to incur on electricity just to download 1 movie! I called the streamyx centre million of times for help and I always ended up cursing (FYI, I did that in a civilised manner ;p). I call so often that I think I am in their Black List already! haha...

Despite all the frustrations it has caused me, I still like Streamyx. I don't have much choice, do I? Considering that it is the only broadband provider. My modem 'died' a few days ago. It was a sudden death - no warning at all. I've not been able to connect myself to the world since its death. Now, even dial-up is enough to make me happy. Oh man, I gotta learn to appreciate things I already have. Ahhh... Isn't life a lot simpler and peaceful that way....?

(Is this the main reason my modem died???)