Saturday, July 4, 2020

Pssskk.. look who is here~

We have not had any pet ever since Tiger passed away a year ago.

Tiger is still deep in my heart. I still miss him dearly and every time i come home, I 'saw' him running towards my car,  wagging his tail when i opened my car door, welcoming me home. Miss the warmth. 

My mum misses Tiger too coz she doesn't have a companion at the garden anymore when she is planting vegetables. Tiger used to follow her in the backyard. It's like he is protecting mum or keeping her accompanied so she is not alone. 

During MCO, my friend's mixed breed gave birth to many puppies. She posted it on her FB and i showed mum. She said she wants one. I told her, if she wants one, she has to take care of him especially if i'm travelling. She said ok.

So we got Wang Wang. 

He is brown in colour. Kinda looks like Tiger. I sometimes mistakenly called him Tiger. It will take a while to get used to the new name~ 

WW was so small when i took him home. He is I thought he would cry at night , being at a new home but he didn't. He just slept quietly like an angel. So adorable~ 

Adorable, Angel ya~

Now that he has been with us for almost 2 months, i tell u, i want to give up sometimes. He is SUPER naughty! Ok, he pees and shits at the car porch just like Tiger last time. This, i understand because he is a pup and couldn't hold himself. But pulling everything out from i don't even know where, destroying, breaking things, this really makes me crazy! We had so many pets before and never have we ever had a dog that is this mad!

One of his 'destructive" result

I wanna scream at him, wanna hit his butt, but when he wags his tail, shakes his butt at me with the innocent look, i relented. Damn, he is so adorable and angelic once again T___T

how to get angry at this face?

Gosh, like jane said, this is sign of 狗奴 @.@

And guess what, my mum who said she wants him now, becomes my responsibility. 

To date, am still cleaning his gold everyday and the mess he creates everyday. Gosh, i hope he grows up fast!

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