Tuesday, January 28, 2014


我記得小時候媽媽要去北京旅遊。她吩咐我們乖乖聽爸爸的話,她會買禮物給我們當獎勵。媽媽上機場前,我跟媽媽說我要一隻白馬~ 那時我喜歡白馬因為乾乾淨淨的,感覺很夢幻。雖然後來沒有馬兒但還是被媽媽的北京紀念品收買了~ 我那年代的小孩子真的很好騙!哈哈~

馬年快到了~ 到處都看到馬娃娃~ 娃娃好可愛但我始終沒有買~ 小時候我的夢想是家裡有很多很多的娃娃。長大了卻覺得娃娃一兩個就好,太多沒位子放而且容易收集塵埃~ 長大了,考量好像也變多了~ 小時候幸福很簡單,長大後簡單是幸福,這句話說的也太貼切了吧!


之後老朋友說她把錢都花在馬娃娃上了,接下來沒錢買其它想要的東西了~ 我跟她說,那就再馬的上面放錢吧~ 因為這樣就會... ..


她聽了又哭又笑的~ 哈哈哈哈.......


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It's CNY next week!

Unicorn is coming to town hehe... Okie, am dreaming....

CNY is next friday! Wow, time flies! Are u ready to welcome the Year of Horse (i still prefer Unicorn though :P). For our family, we think we still have plenty to do although my home is already quite well-decorated and clean.... 

My mum is the Head of CNY preparation as usual. These few weeks, she has been busy buying all sort of CNY deco from red lanterns, big and small, CNY fire crackers (fake ones of course) to all sort of little CNY decoratives to hang inside and outside our home. My job is too put them up since i have got long arms and legs hehe... 

Everyday I go back from work, I find something new. Things seem to pop up from nowhere haha... I think my mum is creative and kinda has good sense in decorating. There are many CNY decoratives but I don't find it too much... In fact, our home now comes to live with all the redness!! Not that it's not alive before but the reds definitely add more happiness to our home! Even Tiger loves it! (Okie, he didn't say so but I can feel his excitement too when he saw his CNY tit bits :P)

So CNY! I love!

 This year, I washed the balcony again. It's fun to be sliding around in soapy water hehe..... And i love looking at the patterns on the floor.... It reminds me of my childhood...  古早味

See how hardworking i am!
I like to drive thru the China Town too. Love the way the street looks~ Everything looks happier at this time!!! la la la....

Can we have the lanterns there all year round! pls....

I think the happiest one right now is my tummy, for mum has bought many different kinds of tit bits. Awww... i'm hungry just by looking at them! More tit bits to come.....

I want to eat!

Gong Xi Fa Cai! 
May all your dreams come true!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


我當單手俠好幾天了~ 因為上週末發生了一件可怕(可悲?可笑?)的事~

上星期我和朋友去逛大賣場。 10點打烊時間到,要離開商場時我的右手伸入包包裡掏車鑰匙~ 突然我感覺手指刺痛,我立刻把手抽出來。 oh no, 我的食指流血了!

剛開始我還以為只是小傷但眼看我的血大量的一直往外流,我趕快以左手緊緊捏著我的右中指,但鮮血還是不斷的流,而且血還開始往下滴了~ 手指還蠻痛的,我覺得這次一定割的不淺。先不追究,找紙巾清理手上的血比較重要。朋友看到我受傷了,很緊張。跟朋友要紙巾,他沒帶,直問我怎麼辦;商店也打烊了,要去哪裡找紙巾?手痛不痛,流很多血沒紙巾怎麼辦......

朋友看起來比我還緊張~ 看來這次得靠自己了~ 我走到旁邊的速食店,唉呀,關了!走到旁邊的小檔子瞧瞧。有人但他們在招呼客人,哦,不好打擾人家賺錢啦。我走向路人甲,他們卻往其它方向走。來人啊!怎麼沒有人主動來幫助傷者呢? (割傷手而已嘛,還自称傷者吶,呵呵)。我2隻手已都染紅了但沒人幫助 *哭* 或許他們以為我是欠錢沒還被大耳窿追殺流血,害怕惹事所以不理我吧? *想像力豐富*

我邊找人幫忙,邊想著誰能幫我~ 我只是要區區幾張紙巾擦擦手而已~ 想著想著我眼前突然出現了金光閃閃的一道光.... 哈哈,ok ok 是我誇大,不過電影和漫畫不都這樣演的嗎?哈哈哈哈~ 看來無厘頭的戲我看太多了! Anyway, 我看到地上有一包紙巾。我開心死了!我終於了解那種在沙漠看到綠島的感覺了!我立刻喊著我朋友,請他過來撿起來給我用。朋友一直說怎麼會有一包紙巾在地 上? 我怎麼那麼幸運呀?嗯,我真的超幸運的!我的天使一定是聽到了我的求救所以丟了一包紙巾給我!太感激了! *感動流淚*

後來我想起​​上次有位朋友給我一個眉刀,還說是德國的不鏽鋼,很銳利的。當時我把它收在包包裡忘了拿出來~ 今天眉刀提醒我它的存在了!而且如他说的,真的很利!我請朋友幫我把眉刀拿出來,我怕下一次再傷到~ 他說,眉刀上有我的一塊肉呢~ 啊!我少一塊肉!難怪流那麼多血!我回家小心的包紮傷口。唉,我的食指被我剃平頭了!這就是我當單手俠的原因。


真的又可怕又可悲又可笑的經驗。幸好有個可喜的ending~ 要不然你們就看不到可愛的我了!這將會是件天下最可怕最可悲的事!:P

Friday, January 10, 2014

Why did he need two seats?

In HK the other day. It's people mountain people sea everywhere we went! The city is vibrant and we could easily lose track of time as it seems that shops open 24 hours a day and people don't sleep at all hehe... 

Visited Jane a few times when she was staying there. The first time I was there, I fully utilised my time, like going out at 9am, going home at 12am everyday. The 2nd time I was there, I went out at 11am and would be home at 10pm. The next few times i visited, I didn't bother to do too much in a day and just went with the flow... hmmm... is that a sign of aging?

This time I went, I found it too crowded (what am i talking about? That's the trademark of HK! haha) for my liking. Hmm.. i think age has definitely caught up with me :( These days, I prefer slow and relaxing pace.... 

While in HK, I spotted this man in the bus. It's crowded and i wondered why he needed to sit on TWO seats. it's not like he has big balls ahem..... i meant, butt so big that he needed to place his moons on more than 1 seat! U know what? I think he has a big ego but a small heart as he has no consideration for others. Boooooo!!


Please excuse me. I don't usually like to complain but this guy deserves to be BOO at! I'm still the nice and adorable Jenn you know of ya~ hahaha

Friday, January 3, 2014

My sister & family

First post for 2014! yaye~ 

It has been a busy week~ 

My sister and family arrived here 2 days ago and since then we have been really busy.. Getting everyone to one place is a challenge because there are 12 of them. 

We are the center of attention wherever we go (although am already used to it since Jane & I always attract a lot of attention when we are together :P) When we get off from 3 big cars, everyone will turn around and look. I bet they must be wondering if something BIG is gonna happen and they probably also wonder who the "Big Brother" (大哥大 i.e. leader)is hahaha...

My nephews and nieces have not been back here for ages. Some are so young that this is their first visit away from home. My sister and brother-in-law said this is an educational trip. They want their kids (and 2 of their kids' angmo best friends) to open their eyes and see beyond Aust. They want them to learn more about lives and out of their comfort zone. 

The kids are great so far. They can accept everything from humid weather to languages they don't understand, they can accept eating in kopitiam and having real local food except..... the squat-down toilet hahahaha.. it's funny to see how terrified they are when they see the squat down toilet in public areas. 

One of my nephews had a stomach-ache and had to use the toilet. Upon seeing the toilet, he was terrified!  He didn't know how to use it so his mum said, "you stand with your feet slightly apart, then you reverse in and squat. Just pretend you are doing stretching'. My nephew tried but he didn't like it. He refused to use it and cried. He said "Mummy, i don't like this Yoga toilet!! I hate Yoga toilet!" We couldn't stop laughing at his remark... He didn't think it was funny at all though...

Hmm.. The kids should have been briefed before visiting. There is even an user manual which gives u steps on how to use a squat down toilet in the internet! So C.O.O.L!  

They still have a lot to learn~ hmmm.. i wonder if they will like Durians~