Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Super Memory

SometimesI really admire my own memory.  It's so powerful that even I am amazed! ^^

Jane always asked me how I have the ability to remember things fromlong ago. She hardlyremembers what was said 5 seconds ago! Yeah Jane, beware cozwhatever u do and say, i remember hehe...  

Just a few examples to share - the other day, one of my TW friends said she found an Italianrestaurant which we should go. The place is very cozily decorated andfood isn't very bad. She told me the location of the restaurant. Hmmm... I felt I had been there before and when i clicked on the enclosed link, irealised that another TW friend had taken me there once, THREE years ago! Icould even remember what I had! 3 years later, I went backto this exact same restaurant, nothing much has changed except thistime, i went with different companions :P

Last night, Jane and I were whatsapp-ing. These days we human beings donot communicate verbally anymore. All we do is use our fingers.Personally, i think it's not very healthy. Real human interaction isvery important because it brings people closer. Not that writing messages won't bring people closer.. it's just different. U see, thesedays it's easy to spot families or groups of friends, although theyare sitting together in one table but nobody talks. Everyone is lookingdown at their phones and the only thing we could hear is incomingmessage alerts. SAD.... 

Anyway, back to my original topic, Jane and I were whatsapp-ing, Janewas trying to ask me to do something and before she brought it up, Imentioned exactly what she wanted to say. Jane was surprised and calledme a genius. Well, if that's the way she wants to put it, I won't try to deny la hehe...

I said to Jane that it's because I am Smarties and she is a M & M. She didn'tcatch what I meant so I told her a joke which I heard years ago when we were stillin high school. I asked her "why do M&M go to school?" Shereplied "how do I know?" The answer is "Because M&M want to beSmarties!" ahahahaha... funny right? Or did you not catch it likeJane? well, then u are M & M too...  haha...

I once came across a phrase that says "快樂的人都是記性不好的". I'm here to object because this phrase isn't entirely true. Because although I have good memory, I'm NOT unhappy. Being happy isn't difficult if you know the secrets. Well, actually, there are not secrets la hahaha...  You justgotta have bigger heart than other people, that's all. If u try to find faults in everything, no matter how bad your memory is, you will still be unhappy.... Wow, am full of wisdom today! hehehe... 

If you still don't know how to create your own happiness, then try to be with someone who is happy & funny like.... 

My crazy brother...
who always does funny stuff to make ppl laugh

or play with cute kitties. It can take away your worries too....
...as long as they don't belong to u :P

If you still don't feel happy, how about...

Eating yummy cheesecake? 
V rich cheesecake from 日光 in Taichung

If one piece of it still doesn't bring you happiness, try eating the whole thing! Yayeeee... the thought of it is enough to make me happy! haha..



Anonymous said...

U r M&M in disguise, an M&M who tries to be smarties! Bler... Sometimes I think it's harder for ppl to face the fact and accept it! 鄙視

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sometimes it's true that ppl without good memory are happier coz they can't remember the sad stuff.. Mayb ur good memory is on the good stuff ler?

Ya.. It's good to find happiness around u, best to find it from within~

jenn said...

jane, don't be jealous... am just born that way :P

i think i not only remember the good ones but am also able to convert bad ones to good ones.. u just gotta be 'creative' hehe...

Best if u can find from within but if u find this too hard, then u find happiness around u lo...

lj said...

hey jenn, so u r smart, good memory n happy, how not fair! i m not smart n poor memory, hmm~ i confess i am a M&M who didnt turn out to be smarties even though i went to school. but luckily i am a happy m&m, one of the "快樂的人都是記性不好的". heh heh!

Eating the whole cheesecake is torturing rather than happy liao lo~ oh~ i forget your stomach capacity as big as your brain

baby jane said...

LJ, 我们是傻人有傻福。。。哈哈哈。。。

jenn said...

haha... 快乐就好~