Wednesday, February 14, 2018

CNY reflection

After all the hectic cleaning to get ready for CNY, it kinda makes me reflect...

Why on earth do we make ourselves so tired before CNY? I know I know, CNY is the time we celebrate one year of hard work, forgive and forget the bad, welcome new luck and better future... But the hectic cleaning? I really don't see how it fits in :P 

I hate to admit it but it just shows how little i do everyday to keep the house i live in, clean @.@
Yes, I am a responsible person. I don't like to give excuses of how busy life is and i don't like to blame others if i haven't done my part. I have lots of cleaning to do before CNY simply because of my laziness,  the dirt and dust accumulate for a year and by the time i want to clean, they have already become too stubborn to remove or part of the fixtures! 

This doggie year, I will try to clean as often as I could. I think if I force myself to do it on a more regular basis, sooner or later, it will become a habit. Let's see how long this lasts hehe...

Oh, i have to share this for it would be sinful not to. My friend nicely delivered homemade cookies to me this morning. Am so touched that someone actually took the trouble to make these at 4am! The cookies are soOOoo cute! I kinda have a good feeling for 2018. It's gonna be 旺旺旺.  Doggie year, I am ready for you! ^^

My friend's creation
So cute!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Doggie year is coming

The year of doggie is just around the corner. It's this Friday to be exact *excited*

It has been raining everyday last week, making it difficult to do some CNY chores. But it also makes it cooler to be doing CNY chores. See? There are always two sides of a coin, it depends on which side one chooses to see. How about seeing both sides? :P 

Me shopping in the rain :P
Love the old fashion way of displaying tit bits

I am ashamed to say, I haven't done much CNY preparation. Yes, AGAIN!! But I am confident that everything will get done before the doggie visits for i am someone who will only become productive and efficient when deadline is near T___T   If you plan to follow my step, beware, because you should only act like this provided you can take pressure ;P

We have bought drinks and cny tit bits and most of the house are already cleaned. We have even put up CNY deco. Mum, being in charge of CNY design, this year she creatively put some cherry blossoms on her plants. Hahaha i bet the plant which never flowers must be happy that it's finally full of pink flowers!

Even Tiger had his bath, which he didn't like very much. He tried to escape but of coz, he has a smart owner who made sure he had no place to hide ;P  

In the year of dog, the appropriate word to put is. Sound exactly like Tiger's barking! :P I sense that it's gonna be a very very prosperous year ahead *fingers crossed*

I have a colleague who is looking hard for ways to make sure she is prosperous all year round. She said she went everywhere looking for coconuts which she wanted to display in her house during CNY. 

Coconut? i have never heard anything auspicious about it. She said she wants a coconut that will 'explode". Explode? Wouldn't it be easier just to light firecrackers if she is looking for "huat dao bao"? haha... And i have never heard of coconut that will explode by itself haha...  Her respond made me laugh so hard. She said, if the coconut explodes, it means "yiah dao bik" (Hokkien. I have no proper English phrase for this haha...). 

Then she also looks for small golden pumpkins. She said pumpkins means "pump kim" in Hokkien which means pump-in gold. Oh.... hahaha... She also wants to get a big chunk of charcoal wood. I have seen a lot of kopitiams putting this near their cashier counters but i thought it's for getting rid of odour since charcoal is commonly used for this purpose. My colleague kindly explained to me that, apart from 'sucking' away the odour, it can suck in money too @.@. I totally salute her for being able to associate everything with money!

You are welcome to copy her ideas. For me, i just wanna keep it simple as life is already complicated as it is :P

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

My new addiction

Ever since i had this canned coffee in KL in 2016, i couldn't have enough...

So far the best canned kopi in my opinion

Oh gosh! So I managed to get rid of my unhealthy habit of taking too much teh c but it was replaced by having too much kopi C. Recently, I started to get addicted to this! I drink it at every chance i have. And i crave for it when I know i shouldn't be  ╮(╯_╰)╭     

And the absurd thing is, I even manage to influence the people around me to start taking it! My colleague called me just now to ask me the name of the coffee i like. Another friend whatsapp-ed me the picture of the coffee to confirm if it's the one i like haha...

You know what? I think Wonda should really pay me a commission for such wonda-ful advertisement!!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Be suspicious

The world is becoming an unsafe place :(

Last week, something happened at our home. 

When i got home last Tuesday, my mum told me that someone would be coming to fix our house phone. Just when i was wondering how on earth my mum knew how to lodge a report, our house phone rang. The lady spoke in Mandarin and asked for my mum. I politely asked her who she is (that's my routine question because my mum always asks me before she comes answering the phone), she said she spoke to my mum earlier about sending people over. She said my phone could've been suspended for non-payment. Then i told her, if my phone had been suspended, how on earth she could call in. She mumbled and hung up.

Immediately, i became suspicious. I asked mum how did she found this lady. My mum told me that the lady called our home herself. Oh, now it was even scarier. Never in my life had TM ever called without me calling them first. I told mum not to open the door if anyone ever shows up to fix the phone.

The next day, my mum called me when i was at work. She said a friend of mine just called our house phone and said he would like to invite Jane and I to his wedding. He told mum that he had lived overseas for years and lost touch with us and asked for my mobile phone number. My mum gave it to him. Again, i was skeptical. I told my mum I have never given our house phone number to anyone and i don't have a friend called Ah Hong. I reminded my mum to not answer the house phones anymore. I think someone must be trying to play a trick on us.

Half an hour later, I received calls from my brothers, asking me where i was. Feeling strange, i told them in office, where else? They asked me to call my mum immediately. So i called, not knowing what happened although everyone sounded worried. It turned out that, someone called my mum's mobile phone, and strangely, it showed my mobile phone number although i had never made the call! A man threatened that he had me in his hand for I'd borrowed money from him and didn't pay up. My mum said there was a lady crying in the background.

OMG, i've read this story online! And the real thing actually happened to us! I told my mum to switch off her phone immediately. My dad insisted to drive behind my car after work. He said, just in case it wasn't a crank call.

For the next two days, he continued to send me to office. My dad, he doesn't speak of love for his children but his actions say it all. It was peace and quiet for the next two days until... my mum's hand phone rang again on Friday evening.

A man asked if the daughter had reached home. My mum thought it was a friend of mine and replied "not yet". The man then said "she will never be able to return home anymore. She has upset my people and we are sending people to pour acid at her!!".

Heard that a lot of people have received crank calls recently. We could ignore them but the scary thing is, how did these people get hold of our confidential info?! 

Anyway, we all should be more cautious. Too many wants, desires but too little heart to learn to the proper ways to earn them. Always be suspicious of strange calls or messages... Oh wait, I'm a Scorpio and born to be suspicious hahahaha...(^~^)Y a kind-hearted Scorpio that is~~