Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 年的總結

2017 年又快過去了。

時間似劍呀!每年我都說同樣的話。感覺就像在輪迴 哈哈

怎麼每一年我都覺得時間不夠用呀?哈哈~ 感覺事情還有一堆沒做好學好的,一年又過了~ 是我自己把自己搞得太忙嗎?其實我有一種強迫症(應該是上進心 :P),就是如果沒幹什麼,我會覺得渾身不舒服,總覺得日子不能空過!哎,我真的是天生勞碌命啊~



Anyway, 這種一生平穩領工資的人生計劃 因為我們的一個理念,讓我們決定豁出去。


無數的人好奇,為何我們要開始一件冷門的事業。茶,茶藝,茶料理,創意,藝術等真的會有人 buy in 嗎?背後的原因到底是什麼呢?我想,今天我應該好好聊聊我們的出發點。

很久以前,我和 Jane 常飛去台灣。那時不是為了別人,單純只是為了自己。

為何說是為了自己?話說10年前(天啊,這麼久了呀!),當時的我總問自己到底來到這個世界是什麼目的?我總覺得我應該是有使命要完成的,但我不知道是什麼。記得那時我常常問自己到底未來的方向是什麼?就連我在人間仙境的SAPA, 乘著巴士,看著遠方的美景,看著生活簡譜,努力工作的當地人也不僅覺得,難道人生就只是這樣嗎?忙碌生活賺錢,買買自己想要的東西,吃吃喝喝,偶爾到國外旅行... 就只是這樣?因為台灣之旅、我慢慢清楚自己來到世間的目的。


說真的,如果只有我一個人很好但其他人都不好,有什麼意義呀?我真的不喜歡活得驚心膽戰,去那裡,幹什麼都害怕被搶,被騙等等。我希望大家都過的無憂無慮,這樣世界真的會很美麗! *世界小姐不都這麼說嗎?呵呵*

我知道,我真的有點不太正常 哈哈~

所以,開創這個事業,除了想把好東西帶給大家之外(因為我們相信因果,絕對不想因為自己的利益而造下孽緣。我們對自己的行為要負責!所以我們在決定之前都很認真的做了功課。我們參訪過這位茶農(也是茶師)的高山茶園,了解他的背景為人,種植方式等, 品了他的作品,確定他的茶是有機優質的,他的所作所為符合我們的理念,才決定把茶千山萬水的帶到古晉),我們更想提倡'慈悲' ------》 慈悲善待地球,慈悲善待身邊的人,慈悲善待陌生人,慈悲善待自己。




Thursday, December 14, 2017

Is my logic logical?

I have a new fear which I have not overcome.
I think this will take time and effort.

I'm worried that family and friends get the wrong idea that my motive is to make money from them so i tried to be low profile. 

There is nothing wrong for them to have such thoughts. Because they may have been scared by people whose motives are, well, simply to make money from them and run away. 

I had that kind of experience too. For example, that insurance that I bought. Before I committed myself, she was sOOo friendly and helpful until I signed that paper. 

And that direct sales membership which i signed up because i wanted to learn how to have better health etc. As soon as i committed, my previous upline disappeared. And it was a miracle is that I actually obediently purchased health products for 3 years without supervision. 

Despite the above, I don't close my hearts. I don't know whether to call myself a fool or a kind hearted person  :P I just think that not everyone is like that. 不能一竹竿打翻一船人.I believe that there are good people out there who genuinely want to share good things with me. By giving them a chance, i also give myself an opportunity. Who knows, this might be the thing i need :) 

I've a friend who is doing part time direct selling. She shares information she learns during her classes, sends me pamphlets of monthly promotion, asks me to attend talks regarding health etc. She does the same for others. Then one day, a colleague told me that she feels that my friend just wants to make money out of her. I was stunned! I truly appreciate my friend's gesture because without doing anything, I got to enjoy the fruits of her hard work!. And I just think that it's appropriate that I pay for such "services " because how else would I find out about the good things if it weren't for her who has invested time, money and effort to discover and test them? And only by "paying" her, she would have an income to sustain her act.  And only by giving them a try would i know if the items are worthy of my money or not. 

Haha, i don't know. I have always been a weird one. I don't even know if my logics are logical to you or not haha...

What do u think?