Monday, February 29, 2016

New Discovery

I thought I should write a post here, just to leave a footprint since 29/2 only happens once every 4 years. How rare~

On this “auspicious” day, I think I should write something happy, something positive. After all, we only get to live this day once every 4 years.

The week before CNY, it rained EVERYDAY in Taipei. Although it’s inconvenient especially when we had to bring the whole house with us.  What to do when there is an 11 month old nephew with us?

We told my sister that may be she should create a fan page for YY. He attracted sOOooo much attention! Even strangers stopped and looked at him and told my sister how handsome and adorable YY is haha….  Too bad we did not meet any Star rearcher or else YY could star in some baby commercials in Taipei and make some money to subsidize our vacation :P

2 days before CNY, it suddenly stopped raining. Could you imagine how happy we were! It was a breezy afternoon with a bit of sunshine, Jane and I decided to cycle around. We went to the nearest MRT station to hire U-bikes. Then, we cycled EVERYWHERE aimlessly. It was great fun! We even cycled to the eatery my parents like when they were there 2 years ago.... just to see whether they would be opened the next day. Too bad they were close for CNY preparation. What to do? it's a big event after all.

We had come to Taipei countless of time. Every part of it feels familiar to us. Somehow, Taipei feels different when we cycle around. I don’t know why but I like the feeling.  I discovered nice places which I didn’t see before when walking. I cycled in a big city full of crowds and cars and high rise buildings, somehow I felt like I was cycling in a park! It’s strangely amazing!

On the first day of CNY, the city was practically empty. We cycled on 忠孝东路 like we owned the street! We cycled back and forth and sang 忠孝东路"骑车‘9遍 at the same time.. I know, we were over-excited haha... 

Discover Taipei via U-bike

The weather during CNY has been great. Jane and I went cycling at every chance we had but we still have a lot to cover. The next time we cycle, we plan to explore this little old place located in the heart of the modern city called 四四南村。Oh, i can't wait~ 

Thursday, February 25, 2016



好久沒更新我的部落格了。我知道你們想我,所以不論我多忙,還是要update一下。說我貼心,其實是怕太久沒更新,你們以後都不來了 :P


貪玩(還是念家)的姐姐提議,在回廣州之前,先​​到台北玩耍。問我們要不要一起到台北來個 Pre-CNY 團圓。 哇,可以不用飛几十个小时到法國探望他們,當然去呀, 呵呵~

但...我們家的爸媽永遠不能給我們肯定的出國的日期。每每問他們,他們都說‘看先’。媽媽這次倒是爽快一些。他說‘我們二十九去,過年初三回來’。哇,我媽媽這麼豪爽呀! 1月29號到2月10號是整整13天耶~ 這下我可先問問我姐姐們,老闆了。畢竟真的很長。

由於大家分散在不同地方,決定一件事情變成了一個挑戰。在等大家的回應期間,我趕緊先請我的旅行社朋友幫我 reserve 飛機票。簡單的放個名字可以鎖出較低的價格嘛,呵呵~ 這是經驗之談因為本人花了很多冤枉錢,只因為我的爸媽很愛最後一分鐘也下不了決定 T___T 吸取以前的'痛“,這次我當然要機靈一點,動作快一點。有句話說'功夫是假,手腳要快!” 哈哈,的確没錯~

不巧,我的朋友带團出國了,我只好請她的助理幫忙~  我對我這次的效率真的感到太自豪了!接下來就不用擔心機票漲價啦!可以放心了等待姐姐的回复了。耶!

幾個小時後,我朋友的助理打給我說機票已經訂好咯,問我什麼時候過去拿。我愣住了一下。只是放個​​名字而已,有需要拿票嗎?後來才發現,她誤會了我的意思,竟然出票了!歐麥卡!我們的台北之旅就這樣陰差陽錯的被確定了~ 心裡百感交集~


要去台灣前幾天,真的超級無敵的忙。除了要完成手上的工作外,還要打掃家和買年貨準備過年。雖然年初一到三不在家,但接下來還有12天是新年,當然不可以馬虎。另外還要準備給姐姐和侄子帶回法國的東西,打包行李,換錢等等。時間不够用呀,真希望一天有 48個小時!

要出國前的前几个晚上,媽媽抱怨說,為何要那麼早去台北,"害"他要在短短時間忙上忙下,有點累。唉呀,要29號去可是他自己說的呢~ 結果她回我說,他提議農曆29去台灣的。

農曆29和陽曆29差整整9天吶!我沒想到媽媽給我農曆日期呀~ 這真的是一個大烏龍!

機票和時間都弄錯~ 好吧,看來我們是注定要去台北這麼多天的了,就順緣吧,呵呵~ 就這樣,我們在台北玩耍了13天,留下了美麗的回憶,當然還有爆炸多的行李!

Family time in Taipei!

離台當天,我和爸媽的 check in luggage 一共 93公斤。除此之外,我們還有8件手提包和行李。真的快把整個台北帶回來了,呵呵~