Thursday, January 28, 2016

Ready to Welcome the Monkey King :P

Chinese New Year is 11 days away~
I bet everybody must be busy with the preparation at the moment.
This year, we started the cleaning, decorating and stock replenishing processes a bit earlier. Yup, lesson learned last year.. hehe... 
Everything is faster this time because my super mum is doing most of the work. 

There is a Chinese saying "To do a good job, one must first sharpen one's tools" (工欲善其事,必先利其器). I so strongly agree with this! Effective tools do make work and life easier and increase my efficiency too!

When I was in Uni, i came across a statement in one of our tutorial rooms. It reads: "Dear Boss, you can't use yesterday's tools to do today's job and be in business tomorrow". So true. Everything is changing so fast and if we do not change ourselves, one day we will be left behind. That's the way the world works. So u can either sit there, complain about the speed of change and wait for things to change to suit you, which rarely happens... or you could upgrade yourself to beat the speed of change. The choice is in your own hand. After all, you are the writer of your own life...

This year, I use 3 effective cleaning tools  - a vacuum cleaner, Amway multipurpose cleaner and my spin mop. Of course, the most important cleaning agent is ME hehe.. without me, these 3 items are useless. Agree? hehe

I did major makeover at some areas of my home. I re-arranged the setting, vacuumed and then mopped the place. In no time, it becomes spotless. Man, how i love that I was able to complete more tasks in less time! 

My home is now ready for CNY~ 

Have a blessed CNY!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Another incident :S

I accidentally hit my foot against the edge of the refrigerator door when i opened it. 

I didn't think it was serious until i saw blood on the floor where I had walked. 

Sigh, another painful experience T____T

Fresh wound

Don't ask me how I could hurt myself so often. If I knew the answer, you wouldn't see a category created just for "Painful Experience"....

Friday, January 15, 2016

老街,我来啦~ 耶!




我很希望大家好好珍惜愛護保留這珍貴的一切... 因為有它們、才有了現在的我們。
我偶爾會提點身邊的家人朋友... 但效果及力量真的有限~ 


蝦米? !在大眾面前說話是我的致命傷呀~ 我不會哈拉。每次我老闆要我代替他到induction course 給新人講'故事'時,我20分鐘內就搞定了。真不明白為何我們的人事部 assign 每個部門1小時的時間 :/



但我想.... 我可以永遠活在自己舒適的圈圈裡,也可以只做我喜歡及會做的事。 。 。但這樣框著自己,好嗎?




老街,我來啦~ 請大家多多指教!

 義工導覽員 in the making :P

Friday, January 8, 2016

Xmas 2015

This year, we played our Christmas gift exchange a bit differently. 

Instead of letting the Santa ClausES decide on the gifts, which at most of the time, will end up at the corner of the room collecting dust. In order to make things more meaningful, we decided to give the boys and girls a chance to make wishes. Wonderful isn't it?

I duly wrote my wishes.

Some of my colleagues said they wish for Good Sleep. I would like that too, but i wonder what or how the Santa could deliver this. Sleeping pills maybe? haha...

I on the other way, am quite practical and listed down practical stuff to make my Santa's life easier. I know, i should be rewarded just for this!

So what are my wishes?

1) A flip casing for my phone.
I have been wanting to buy one for months but i kept procrastinating because I have never used one before and am not sure whether I will chuck it aside after one use which not only waste money but also clutter my room...

I also gave an alternative

2) A glow in the dark watch.
I don't need an expensive one. Just a simple one as long as the numbers can glow in the dark.

Practical enough? hehe...

Before the day of the xmas gift exchange, my gift suddenly turned up from no where. Oh well, gifts always mysteriously appeared a few days before the exchange hehe...

Guess what? My gift was nicely packed! We all have the habit of shaking or squeezing the gifts as if by doing this, we would know what's inside haha... i think we should just bring the gifts to the airport for X-ray machines. Would be more accurate than blindly guessing hehe...

Despite that, we continued to shake and squeeze the gifts.  Wow, there were 2 boxes in my stocking! One rectangular and one long one. All my colleagues said my wishes were realised! Yeah! that's because i gave practical wishes! :P

My wish list to Santa Claus

I was secretly looking forward to using a new casing. When it was my turn to tear open my gift, I practically torn open it except that the wrapping wasn't torn.

I received......

Do u think I got what i wished for? Stay tuned to find out :P