Tuesday, November 24, 2015

My mum's secret farm

I have to show you my mum's little secret vegetable garden. It's just too beautiful to miss!

My mum showers it with lots of love and care everyday that in return, it provides us our daily vegetable need. 

No wonder there is a saying -  "you reap what you sow"... Not only is this true in the vegetable world but also in many other aspects of our lives. However, planting good seeds doesn't guarantee good returns because if u have planted good seeds but do not water them everyday, the seeds will not be able to grow. Wow, I love that my mum has planted some wisdom in me while planting vegetables! hehe..

My mum planted a variety of vegetables. There are potato leaves (and we get potatoes too!), long beans, yam (my favourite!), eggplant, mustard vegetable, 芥兰菜, eng cai, ladies' fingers (okra), mani cai 香菜, wild ginger, 夜来香  etc. There are coconuts, bananas, mangoes, kedondong, longan, pamelo ...too and many others which I can hardly name :S Ok, that reminds me to learn more .....  Recently, mum's mango tree produces a lot of mangoes too. Because my mum doesn't use any chemical or pesticide, the squirrels ate some of them. I imagine the squirrels happily picking the biggest and sweetest mangoes on the tree, eating all they can hahaha... too much cartoon can make someone childish... errrr... i meant imaginative :P

Some of my mum's assorted veggies

My neighbours and mum's friends like to drop by to check out my mum's vegetable garden. It's amazing how my mum can turn a messy bush into an organised, full of goodies vegetable garden! I love that we have organic vegetable to eat everyday. My mum even packed some home grown ladies fingers for me to bring over to Paris for my sisters. We simply steamed them and had them with chili sauce. They tasted naturally sweet and full of love! That's the beauty of home grown veggie. No complicated, fancy cooking skills required in order to make it tasty. 

The yellowish flowers are called 夜来香
My mum fries rice with these, cook soup with these etc.
Really unique!

So many types of veggies. 
Even Tiger had fun in the garden haha

It isn't easy growing our own veggie and fruits. I see my mum working hard early in the morning and evening. It's good exercise for her as she gets to sweat and work out instead of watching TV. But weather can be a bit harsh especially during dry season... guess what, i made something for my mum with our broken umbrella.

Tada! my mum's personal shade! haha

I love my mum. She is our super mother at home. She is a great cook, a great farmer, a great nurse, a wonderful teacher and of course, a wonderful mother! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


拍照不是很難的事。現在科技太發達了。老大幼小都有能拍照的手機(真的,我朋友4歲的女兒都有自己的可拍相的舊手機吶~ ),隨時隨地都能補抓畫面。

雖說拍照不難但拍照的人還是需有點審美觀(就是藝術細胞啦,呵呵~ )啦~ 因為在我們平凡人眼中不起眼的風景,這些人還是有辦法拍出特別味道。

我不會照相,有時角度拿捏的稍微不'準確',照片就會少一些feel~ 然後回家用電腦打開照片時,我就會後悔為何當時為何不站過去一點點,或手再移動一些些.... 等等~ 話說藝術細胞是天生的啦,我也不用太過在意啦,呵呵~


請問你 feel 到 哪個有意境、哪個無意境?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


It's the special time of the year again. 

Yup, it's the birthday of a pair of wonderful twins.

Things change every now and then but one thing that never changes is ---- *drum playing* 

Jane and Jennifer will ALWAYS be the wonderful and adorable twins 

Haha, i'm sure nobody will oppose to it. After all, today is our birthday. We are the Kings of the World... for the day :P

It's my custom to write on 11.11 of every year.... It's a record of how far i've come :P

Thank you everybody for the birthday wishes *touched* They came from FB, email, chats.... from all over the world. My sister, nephew and nieces even recorded a birthday music duet video for us and then screamed out happy birthday to us. Even my 8 months old nephew said happy birthday to us... in baby words.... 

Thank you my family and friends who took me out for big meals. I've been eating non-stop since last Friday and more to come even after my birthday. I feel so loved! Jane said today is a thank you day for us. She is right. I've been thanking people since I opened my eyes this morning! haha.. But I like it... I feel lucky to be blessed with so many loving family and friends!

Something funny happened last Friday. My old pal Vivien made an appointment to have dinner with me long ago. And since Jane made a last minute decision to come home, we decided to give Vivien a surprise by having Jane suddenly dropping in half way through the dinner.

It turns out, Vivien surprised me by secretly getting other friends to join our dinner to celebrate birthday for me! I was touched and they were happy to see me surprised. I too was secretly happy that I could surprise them back later hehe... As soon as Jane touched down, she took a taxi straight to where we were. My friends were all surprised to see Jane. Ha! Priceless moments!

Happy Birthday to Me!

Big muaks to u all for the wonderful day!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Hole punching

The following post is not suitable for the fainthearted but it's quite educational :P 

Something happened on Sunday, and it causes me to add a label called "painful experience" in my blog.

It was raining yesterday. Mum wanted to cut some vegetable from her vegetable patch to put in her soup. I offered to do that for her. So i held a pair of scissors and umbrella in my right hand and off i went to the slightly flooded garden.

When i knelt down, the sharp point of the scissors sank into my thigh. Yes, it went into my flesh effortless and it kinda felt like, sinking a knife into a soft pudding! 

I didn't panic, instead I pulled the scissors out, stood up and walked into the house to look for ointments. Oh my, I've punctured my own thigh! There is a "small hole" now.  It looks like tiny lips. When I moved, it would 'open' and 'close". Anyway, I cleaned the fresh wound with tea tree and a few other ointments and then bandaged it. My mum asked me what happened and I explained to her calmly. Maybe because i seemed so cool,  She thought I was joking haha...  You know what? The stabbing scenes in most movies where blood splashes out immediate is FAKE. It took a minute (i think) before i saw red. I wish I didn't have to confirm it by stabbing myself T____T

my wound... covered

initially i wanted to post a picture of the 'lips' but decided not to as it looks kinda scary. don't wanna scare u hehe

So I experienced 2 things in one incident - how it feels like to stab and be stabbed at. I know it's crazy and not something anyone wants to have experience in but sigh... one just needs to learn something out of an incident to make it a worthwhile one right? 

I've self-inflicted a lot of pain on myself that I think I'm becoming immune to it. Gosh, when will I learn???