Friday, April 25, 2014

Is it really that good?

Lately, my colleagues and friends make a big fuss over the Penang White Curry noodles. They said it's so good that they bought a box when they see this in the supermarket. Per them, this particular flavour is very famous and it's get sold out very fast... Seriously?!

I'm no doubt a very curious person. I think there must be a reason why certain things are popular or famous and i want to find out with my own eyes (with my own tongue in this case hehe...) before I make any judgement... i think it's just fair that i give things or people a chance. And by giving them a chance, i'm giving myself a chance too.. OK, is that too deep to understand? haha...

I was in KL just a couple of days ago and while i was at the supermarket, i saw the instant noodles everyone is crazy at. Without any hesitation, i bought myself a pack. 

I carried these all the way from KL. They better be worth all my effort!!! ;P

Thursday, April 17, 2014



廣州真的是吃喝玩樂的天堂!難怪有句話說 "生在杭州,吃在廣州!"

姐姐和姐夫帶我們去很多有名和好吃的餐館吃吃喝喝~ 第一次感到傷心,為何我沒有八個胃呀? ! ( >﹏<。)






晚餐吃粵菜。他們家的冰鎮Unagi 片好脆!他們家的波囖包很香脆,好吃!還留了幾顆帶回去當宵夜。 


雖然晚飯後肚子飽到不行了,但還是到對面的韓國咖啡廳吃甜品。裡面好可愛!我們點了他們家有名的鬆餅,還點了個超大的水果冰沙。冰沙竟有淡淡的薰衣草香味。噢噢,每一口讓我飛上天! oishii desne! 噢,應該說韓文才對,呵呵~ 맛좋은Masjoh-eun 思米大!

Nice cafe!


第三天也是下豪雨,Jane回上海的班機被取消的那一天,我們去韓國村吃韓國菜!哇,我愛韓國料理!免錢的小菜比我們點的主菜還要多!看,是不是很壯觀? !下雨天真的很適合吃辣!


因為為了幫Jane敢回上海,我們午餐就在火車站解決。當晚,我們去大牌檔吃道地的食物。點了很好吃的帶子!可惜Jane硬要離開廣州,所以她miss了這好吃的一餐! Jane不要傷心!我們邊享用美食時,絕對是有在想念你的!呵呵


第四天,我和姐姐到有名的稻香飲茶。來吃點心的人還真多!奇怪,廣州人是不是都不用上班的呀?廣州真的是吃奶黃包的好地方!我們去的每家餐廳的奶黃包都是爆漿的那種!剛好晚上要離開廣州了就順手買了還幾盒帶回來給也愛吃奶黃包的媽媽。中午姐姐說要給我送行,要吃好一點的(errr...其實我們這幾天都吃很好耶~)所以我們就到了廣州酒家吃午餐。 3 個人但點了6樣肉菜和一人一碗焞湯。真的很好吃!一個字,飽!哈哈哈~ 其實這次發現廣州人的友善。我和姐姐找不到廣州酒家,我上前去問在派傳單的年輕人。他說就在你前面兒,轉個左彎兒就到了。我們倆轉了彎但沒看到酒家名字,想說可能還得再走遠一點,結果就听到後面傳來的聲音'美女呀!就在你旁邊! ’。我們轉頭,看他用力的指左邊。哈哈,謝謝這位大哥呢!


晚上我們到酒家吃潮州料理~ 我們真的是大胃王,因為又失手,點了5樣肉菜。很飽呀!在廣州真的好吃的東西太多了。如果待久些鐵定身材變大,荷包縮水的,呵呵~ 廣州真的是吃東西,買東西的好地方!不夠堅定就會失手吃太多,買太多!哈哈~

Monday, April 7, 2014


那天在廣州,陪姐姐去商場買電話。話說她人在中國沒中國電話真的很不方便。明明在同一個國土但還得特別打電話到法國找她有點說不過去。而且每天這樣國際式 的聯絡方式,久了荷包會大出血啦!而且在中國,有個智慧型電話很重要!比如Jane要上機場那天,下著傾盆大雨,路上根本攔不到taxi。 Jane用了中國滴滴打車的Apps叫車,馬上可以聯繫周邊的taxi師傅,馬上可以看到是否有師傅接這訂單。接單後他會撥電話給你,詳問地點,然後就到 你面前接你~ 哇噻,中國真的太先進了!

這個Apps真的很重要!因為Jane走後我和姐姐去逛批發街,那裡超難攔車子的。我們倆沒有中國號碼也沒有滴滴打車。好多次我們在路邊招手,沒空車也就 算了,我們還差點被逆方向行走的電單車和小貨車撞倒,真的超可怕的!後來我們決定坐地鐵。高峰時間搭地鐵是惡夢!人好多好多好多... 整個地鐵站都是人!我們不用用自己力氣走路,後面的人會推你一把! 有警衛在維持安全但還是'堵人'了。還有人大罵警衛說那邊的樓梯已經人太多,踩死人啦!恐怖!幸好我'高大威猛',才和姐姐安全的回到飯店。也因此發現在 中國,要叫車子真的是大挑戰!而且人長的高也很重要!哈哈

我姐姐也因此下決心拿中國號碼~ 我們到商場選電話。那裡很大很大,電話的種類多到讓人不知從何開始,難於下決定!買小米吧,但多幾百元就能買Galaxy了耶~ 看了Galaxy,多幾百元就能買愛鳳了耶~ 最後我們被買一送一的廣告打動。買Samsung 送中國牌Coolpad喔~雖然不需要但還是被這種廣告吸引了。哈哈,女生貪化算的心作祟!服務員在粘保護膜時,問我們是那里人。我和姐姐互看了一下。 MH事件讓中國人不滿,這時候告訴他們'真相'應該會被罵的很慘吧?我回答他‘我們來自星星! ' (哈哈,幸好有看來自星星的你!這時候還蠻管用的呢!)。他愣了一下然後說,你們的中文說得真好~

哈哈哈~ 其實說的也沒錯呀~ 我們不是本國人,在他們的眼裡我們本來就是Alien (外星人)。只可惜我們這外星人沒有空間移動,凍時間等等的超能力~  T_______T

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Rubbish Talk

I'm the quick and easy type of person. Anything fast and fuss-free is my cup of tea~ 

I'm sure I'm not the only one~ Looking at the number of "instant" products in the market, it's easy to conclude that today's people want to achieve "more" with less time. 

Just look at our rubbish bin... 
80% of these instant food taken by my colleague!

Time is precious. It's good that we achieve the same result with minimal effort.. I remember when i was small, our home was always filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee every morning. Although i was too young to take caffeine drink, i loved the smell... These days everybody is into instant drinks. In seconds, we get a cup of latte without actually buying a carton of milk or a glass of teh tarik without really "pulling the tea"! We could even get a plate of yummy Italian spaghetti in less than 15 mins. All u need to do is just cook some noodles and chuck in the bottled sauce~  Can u see how dependent we are on instant products? But everything comes with a price (yeah, the theory of "there is 2 sides of a coin")...

The instant thingie can be bad if care is not exercised because when we are used to not putting much effort, it becomes part of our ways of doing things. You see, many people expect 'instant' answers without doing the thinking. People become impatient because they think everything should be fast. People want to make more money with minimal cost and effort, hence the black-hearted (artificial) products 黑心食品 .... People become less appreciative of others' hardwork because they feel that everything is easy. Some people do not work hard as they expect money will just fall from the sky....

I mean, it's OK to simplify things to make complicated things less confusing (life is complicated as it is anyway)... but taking shortcuts by not doing some important bits and pieces will bring big negative impact...  Whichever path you choose, you are creating your own destiny. Difficult things are not the always enjoyable but the fruits are definitely sweet~ Since you are basically the affected party, why make your own life difficult, right? 

Wow! I can speak wise words just by looking at our rubbish bin! Hmmm... my sisters said my IQ is zero! How wrong they are! haha...