Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My recent activity hehe...

I think I'm addicted again ( ̄_ ̄ )

I tried not to start it but.... curiosity kills a cat.... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I have not watched any Korean series since 2010. Yup, it has been 3 good years that I stayed away from it because (1) I was too lazy to start one as watching series requires a lot of time and energy; (2) most importantly, series watching can make you a bad person like what happened in 2010 if precaution is not exercised! hehe...

Recently I broke my own "vow".....  because I couldn't understand why everyone is crazy over this particular Korean series called 来自星星的你. Everyone tries to copy the character's looks. The clothes and shoes she wore and the bags she used in the series were gone in seconds. There are even imitations for people with lower spending budget. The most outrages thing is that, only the specific colours of lipsticks which she used in the series were SOLD OUT worldwide! Even her favourite fried chicken with beer becomes a hip thing! Everyone wants to be Her. 

I am curious person. Once i attended a dinner organised by a direct sales. People were yelling slogans, cheering for those sharing their testimonials. They were excited over speakers who would be sharing their experiences the next day etc... I wondered what made them so enthusiastic, so I purposely re-scheduled my plan on the next day just to attend their sharing session just to FIND OUT.

Yup, you guess it. Being curious and wanting to find out why everyone is crazy over this Korean series,  I also started watching it. So far, am only up to episode 7. I tell u, it's GOOD! it is not the usual Korean love & death type of series. It has everything! It is funny, romantic. It has actions, murder, UFO, hip fashion etc.... 

I exercise self-control this time. No dirty dishes piling up; No late night sleep; Pee on time; No eating of junk food..... Yeah, u get it. Basically, am being such a good girl that I think from now on, I can watch series haha..

If u haven't watched this series, u can seriously start it now. Just remember to watch it with care~ let's see if u are as disciplined as me buahahahaha...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hope everybody is OK~

Jane, my friends and myself love taking midnight flights because these give us extra time to spend with our loved ones and also allow us to go straight to work without taking an extra day off. it's a win-win situation for all~ 

So when i saw the news that MH370 has gone missing, my heart fell..... One of my friends who works in Beijing said 2 of his colleagues and 2 of his ex-colleagues are on that plane *pray*

It has been 4 days since the incident, still there is no concrete conclusion of its whereabouts. I hope everyone on board is OK. I hope they have just entered into another dimension where time is slower than Earth. And to them, they are still on their way to Beijing. I remember when i was in school, i saw a documentary about a missing plane, which disappear suddenly and after 30 years or something, the plane re-appeared. Not sure if this story is true, so do google.

I also remember watching a movie (based on real story called "Alive") about how the survivors kept themselves alive when their plane crashed in the middle of the Andes Mountains. If MH370 didn't go to the other dimension, at least i hope the people are now stranded in one of the islands waiting to be saved. 

When i was small, i used to fantasize that I could turn into that person to know how he/she feels or what he/she is thinking. How i wish I could turn into pilot or one of the crew members or passengers on MH370 just to find out where they are now~ 

Hope all the negative comments stop. All of us need to work together to find the plane and everyone on board. Whatever that needs to be improved, please just improve it. Time is the essence, there is no time to fight and point fingers. Please do whatever necessary to locate the flight. For the rest of us, although we can't join the search, at least we can pray for the people on board~ 

One prayer = one strength & hope, after all~ 

photos from: cilnblog.com

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pinkish Brunch

I feel so pink today because...

I have many Hello Kitty in my stomach! hehehe....

Hello Kitty in Swiss Roll :P

Wonder no more because I finally found out that Hello Kitty tastes like strawberries! yum! *burp*