Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Honey Honey chip bom bom"

I so desperately wanted to steal my brother's pooh bear back to add to my collection. But how to do it sneakily without him realising it's gone ah? Hmmmm....

I tried to piggy back it but pooh bear is darn heavy. I almost broke
into half after carrying him for just 5 minutes! I guess hiding him behind me wouldn't work either since.. am proud to say, i'm smaller than him! (^V^)

I tried to pack him into my luggage but heck! He couldn't fit into it!

Pooh beaaaaar! It's time you go on a strict diet! No sweet honey from now on....

Pooh bear ON my luggage instead...

Butt too big

Pooh bear too big and heavy for meeee....

So I gave up.....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Where is it?!?!?

I searched everywhere, hi & lo for 15 minutures trying to locate my car key! I was very sure that i put it in my handbag but somehow when i really needed it, it could not be found *sigh* That's always the case when it comes to things you despearately need huh?

After emptying my handbag several times and almost turning every single piece of furniture upside down, I finally found it.

It was right there, with my handbag. Not inside but outside. To be exact, it was actually tangling to my bag like Slyvester Stallon in the movie, Cliff Hanger (-_-)

Hmm... I don't like this kind of hide and seek game. It's
too exhausting for me....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I finally found someone with BIGGER face than me *la la la...*

My face is sOOOooo tiny next to him!

Another reason to love him even more :)

ooo, at least i managed to squeeze my whole face into the frame.... :P

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Truth hurts....?

Jane made it back to HK the other weekend after being away for 2 months. Thank goodness, I finally can get a break from trying to keep track of her whereabouts *exhausted brain*

Ah Fei told Jane that she looked like me when they met for lunch. That's good coz more and more people have commented that we don't look like twins anymore. NOOooo.. I don't wanna lose that uniqueness! :P

Anyway, Ah Fei thought jane looked like me because her face is now round
after all the fatty food in Europe >_< Ummm, let me get this straight. Because her face is round, she looks like me???? So, that means my face has always been rounder than Jane's? So, that means I'm fatter than Jane? Correct or not? Many ppl said the opposite...

Jane was very happy at that remark (-.-) She laughed like a devil when
she told me about it over the phone while Ah Fei was shouting in the background for innocence.

Actually, having a round face is not that bad coz it's a sign of 福气
(happiness). But I really think it's my curly hair that must have given ppl the wrong impression. Puffy hair adds volume and makes my face appears rounder than it actually is. Ha~ Easy way to console my broken heart eh? Blame the hair! Blame the hair! haha... *denial*

Can you tell any difference? Apart from the round face ok

I didn't expect so many comments just from a little trim of my fringe. A colleague who sees me EVERYDAY asked if I went for a hair perm lol Haha... Funny! Oh well, what do u expect from guys?