Friday, September 20, 2024

The Angel and The DeVil

Yu, can be adorable and thoughtful like an angel. He says the most adorable things and says "OK" to everything u ask him to do and do just what you tell him to do. 

At the same time, he can be a devil and that is when we really want to pack him into a box and send him home. You tell him to do 1, silence. You ask him if he hears what you say. Silence. You get mad at him and tell him to do it RIGHT NOW and he refuses and talks back and bad. 

Parents. I salute u... for having to deal with this every day.  

That day we went to Kuching Festival together to pull him out of his iPad, handphone, games addiction.  At first, he said he wanted to play some games to win a gift. After going round the games corner twice, he did some analysis and said, nah, the games are scams. Even if he wins, the value of the prize doesn't match the money he pays 😅 He is such a calculative careful boy.

We went to the AC area to see gifts and merchandizes. Yu is quite good at lego assembling and we saw shops selling many types of cartoon legos. The smallest set is only RM4.99 each.  According to Yu, this is cheap so we decided to each get one. Yu promised that he would assemble for us before his vacation ends. So, Yu bought a Lufi, Jane bought a Minnie Mouse and I bought a Tigger. Jane also bought a completed Pooh Bear which the cashier displayed at her counter for RM4.99. 

Of course, it was through a lot of pushing and 'bribing" that he finally completed his Rufi and my Tigger. Poor Jane, her minnie mouse is still in "pieces". HA! Jane paid RM4.99 for a completed pooh bear is definitely more value for money than getting Yu to assemble for us 😂

Tigger and cactus done by Yu

I was hoping that I could have one set of Pooh & Friends Lego one day. I wonder if that hope would ever come true. 

Someday, May be someday...

Sunday, June 30, 2024



我也跟侄子說說話。問他會怕嗎,他說會~ 好心疼呀






我:你好厲害~ 你等下也念念他們的名字,跟他們說等下可不可以去你身邊保護你

優: 好~ 


之前我們去青山拜拜,優跟我借了5塊。我問他要做什麼。他說他要 make a wish。 他說他想要一個妹妹 😂😂😂 我說你應該去問問你爸爸媽媽可不可以才是 哈哈 


後來我借錢給他添香油錢,他說他要『捐』給南無地藏王菩薩和觀世音菩薩。我問他,怎麼兩位菩薩而已?他說,因為我只認識他們兩位 😂😂😂 

話說因為媽媽的車上播放的佛樂就是南無地藏王菩薩和南無觀世音菩薩~  童言童語,太可愛了

Saturday, May 4, 2024


我媽: “你下去打包乾撈米粉或粿條給我”

我乖乖領旨。 走到麵檔問老闆,他說米粉粿條都賣完了


我:      媽,老闆說只剩下面,你要不要?

我媽: 米粉有嗎?

我:     只剩下面~

我媽: 粿條有嗎?

我:    只剩下面!(咦?客家話翻成中文好好笑😝)



Sunday, January 7, 2024


I suddenly remembered....

I have a blog!

As soon as I got home, I turned on my laptop and uhhh... I couldn't remember what the website is >.< I googled for my own blog. How terrible is that?!

Oh my, I didn't post anything in the year 2023?! Was I that busy until I did not have time to update my blog? Or I simply had nothing interesting to share in my life anymore? 

I remembered, urging LY to start her own blog. She said she has nothing to write about. I remembered telling her to just make small matters into big matters, then a blog post is born. And look where I have been? LY loyally updates her blogspot like a diary, whereas my blog is dead quiet. 

ok ok, my 2024 resolution is, to update my blog as much as possible. I need to revive it. I need to make my brain work hard again (although I think it's overworked as I can see my growing numbers of grey hair. I think my brain is sucking out all the nutrients from my hair 😰)

Let me summarize my 2023 here so I know I did not skip one year haha

We started to travel in September 2022 when borders started to open. We flew mum to Brisbane. I must say, after not being on any long flight for 3 years, 7 hours of flight is a torture. Then we travelled to Singapore, KL, Taiwan, Vietnam, China in 2023, reunited with siblings and nephews and nieces, relatives.  They also came back to spend time with us. 

Then to end 2023, I had really bad pain in my lower abdominal when we were on the high-speed train from Teochew to Guangzhou and it lasted for 2 damn days. fortunately, I managed to become better and made it home safely. Luckily, I had my mum's trolley to use, it helped me walk further and was able to continue to buy buy buy and eat eat eat. After all, Guangzhou is food and shopping haven. No matter how sick one is, eating and buying have to continue! haha

Thanks to Jane and My mum for taking good care of me. My mum enjoyed the trip the most. Why? She bought so much that she has TWO full luggage home. Yes, she took my luggage weight too~  

Happy 2024! 

Our way to end 2023

Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween by the parents

It's Halloween today.

To me, it's same as every other day. 
To some, it's a big big day.

My sister sent a picture of my nephew's halloween party to us. I couldn't stop laughing when i saw "Casper".


I must say, the mother of Casper was creative! She used minimal materials and turned her child into a ghost, just the right theme for the occasion. Or was she running out of time that she quickly came out with this? Or she forgot about this party and put something together quickly just so her child could attend the party? whatever it is, i think she was smart! ha! Not only do Kids grow up fast and there is really no point spending too much on costumes, she also successfully stole the thunder for her work of Art was the first thing i looked at! haha...

It was nice to see everyone putting the effort to turn themselves into their favourite characters, scary ghosts, beautiful princesses etc. I couldn't tell if my nephew enjoyed his halloween party though haha

Happy Halloween!  

Friday, October 21, 2022


One evening, i was half-way through my dinner, suddenly there was a black out. I thought it applied to our area but when I looked outside, eh, my neighbours had electricity.  Their lights were bright. 

I quickly ran to the main switchboard and found that my home was the only one experiencing blackout T___T  I quickly called our electrician hoping he could come over to give lights to our home. I told him I kept turning the switch to "ON" but it just kept dropping to "OFF". He said " this is very complicated. We don't know if it is due to your electrical appliances or due to broken wires........" on and on he went about the complications. Then he said "maybe you need to get ready to move into a hotel room tonight if there is no electricity because it is going to be dark very soon, you won't have lights at home blah blah blah..." Actually, i wasn't listening. I was just hoping that he would come over to have a look~ 

Then finally he said something useful haha..  "Go and unplug all your appliances. then try to turn it on again, see whether it works".   I followed his instructions obediently. Then went back to the switchboard and was hopeful that it would have electricity. 

Nope. Darn.

So I called him again. He said "oh, if this doesn't work, then it is more complicated than I thought blah blah blah..." I wasn't listening again because he was repeating what he said earlier. Seriously, if I were dying and I called him, I would be dead by now 😂

When he paused for a breath, I quickly interrupted him and asked if he would mind to quickly come over before it's too dark to see anything. He took a moment to think. Oh, I understand it's after work hour. Maybe we really need to stay at hotel tonight then. He then said OK he would come over right now. THANK YOU! 

He arrived and it was dark. He asked if I did unplug EVERYTHING. He went around the house to double confirm. Then he repeated the same things again 😂 I asked if the switchboard was faulty. He then took out a screwdriver and opened it. 

When he took down the cover, we were shocked by the sight and jumped backward. Yes, we really jumped backwards 

Somebody went in and got "fried" T__T

It was disgusting but I was so happy that we didn't have to stay at hotel that night. Happy ending for me but poor little lizard wasn't so lucky. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Unlucky but considered Lucky

 This is my one-year old phone

Nope, it is not new style phone casing

Nope, it's not for non-slip purpose

The rubber bands are there to hold the LCD screen intact because it's been replaced T__T

I thought I damaged it by having my heavy water bottle fell on it. It instantly became crazy. The torch light would turn on and off without me pressing it. It would call random people in my contact list (if you received my calls, it wasn't me... ), apps opening and closing like crazy. It was out of control! As if a crazy ghost was living in my phone! 

I was then without phone for 3 days. 

Peace and quiet

BUT also a lot of inconveniences because I could not make important calls, send reminders, read reports. I bet people thought i was arrogant because I didn't read and reply messages haha...

Finally, i got the LCD screen replaced today. Guess what, the repair guy told me that my phone's LCD screen was not responding to my instructions because he found oil inside my phone. 



I didn't close the cap of the coconut oil properly the other night and it spilt.  When i found out, my phone was practically soak in the coconut oil. I quickly saved it and i thought i did a pretty good job wiping it dry. it didn't show any malfunctioning until my bottle fell on it 3 days later. 

And he said, You are really lucky that it wasn't water. Otherwise you would need to get a new phone.


So I guess I should say, I am LUCKY?!

Well well, what's done cannot be undone. At least I only needed to spend money on replacing the LCD screen instead of getting a new phone. I bet the repair guy must be scratching his head hard and probably posted somewhere in the social media that he found 'weird" substance in the phone 😅