Thursday, October 30, 2014

Need some peace and quiet

I told off 3 oldER men. oppps...

I was at a seminar 2 days ago.The 3 older men in the professional field next to me kept talking. At first, i tolerated since the MC was introducing the background of the speaker. They would probably become silent when the speaker spoke.

They didn't.

I continued to tolerate since speaker was still at his opening speech. Maybe they would stop talking when the speaker went into his topic of the day.

Nope, they continued to chat. About the cars they bought (even showing each other the pictures), children living abroad, their trips somewhere..... I didn't mean to ears drop but hey, they were not  whispering. Did they forget that they were in a seminar instead of the coffee shop?

The participants in the row front also turned back to stare at them but they probably were too into their 'old-friend' catch up that they didn't notice.

I thought it was a bit too much. Although it wasn't nice to tell off older people but i think i need to because I paid a fee to come here to learn about the tax topic and not some strangers' life happenings!

So I turned to them and said with a smile "Sorry gentlemen for interrupting but i can't hear what the speaker is saying'. They did a mouth-covering gestures and apologized. 

From that moment onwards, it was peace & quiet.... 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My new hobby

I am into making snow lotus yeast enzyme (雪蓮子酵素) lately.

When my friend asked if i wanna 'adopt' snow lotus yeast, i was a bit unsure because adopting something sounds like a serious and tedious job! I really don't want to burden myself since life is already complicated enough. I don't need more complicated things to complicate the already-complicated me. Are u confused? haha..

As soon as i read about the benefits of snow lotus yeast enzyme, I changed my mind. Their crystal-like look makes them look beautiful in the water.  What's more, they float up and down in the water during the fermenting process which kinda reminds me of the snow-globe except that there is no fairy-like figurine inside.

The enzyme is actually not complicated to make at all! The snow lotus yeast lives on brown sugar and filtered water. Yeah, 2 ingredients only! Yaye! I love simple recipes!

I have made many batches of enzyme drink. When I showed my first batch of  my final product to my mum, she rolled her eyes at me! I must admit, the colour of the enzyme drink does no look very tasty,  it  looks  kinda muddy but don't judge a book by its cover, it's actually very nice after refrigerated for a couple of hours! i poured some for my mum to try, at first, she refused. After she took a sip, she finished the whole bottle and even served it to her friends... Now her friends want to adopt snow lotus yeast too.

I'm 'breeding' more snow lotus yeast now to give away to friends who are interested to make their own enzyme drink.

You can read here for benefits and how enzyme drink is done (Chinese, English 1 & 2)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

My luggage to Paris

My check-in luggage to Paris was 28kg but none of the things inside belongs to me. My cabin luggage was 8kg and contained fragile and more expensive items which my mum prepared for my sister. So many things to bring but so little space.

food my mum prepared for my sis

More food in my cabin luggage for my sis

As you can see, my clothes for 12 days (yes, inclusive of underwear) only occupied a small corner of my cabin luggage T___T

I must say, I really admire my packing skill because with so little space, i still managed to bring everything I needed! Unbelievable!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Saving the polkadots lady~

I was at my aunt's house for a lunch party the other day.

When I arrived with my mum, she was still in the midst of cooking. Since she has friends to help her, i decided to spend my time in her garden. haha, actually i just wanted some fresh air because the air in this house was too hot & spicy to bear. They sautéed chopped chilli and onions for chicken rendang.

Fortunately it wasn't too hot outside. It just rained that morning and her abandoned mini fountain was filled with clear water... There I saw something orange in colour floating in the water and was kinda moving! I looked closely, it was a lady-bird! Wow! I haven't seen a ladybird for ages! It reminded me of my childhood!

Ladybirdie on my hand

At our home where we stayed, there was a bush right next to it. Everyday after school, we would go to the bush and 'pick' ladybirds. There were red ones as well as orange ones. Sometimes there were baby ladybirds too! There were so tiny! We competed to see who collected the most. haha, we kids would do anything to amuse ourselves.  Well, what to do? We didn't have smart phones or tablets to play with at that time. I kinda miss the old-fashioned way of growing up though. Oh, back to the collected ladybirds, don't worry, no ladybirds were hurt at all during the competition. They were carefully picked, counted and released back to their homes after we announced the champion of the day.

I scooped the struggling ladybird from the water and placed her on the leave.  I couldn't tell from her expression if she is happy to be on a dry place. There is a possibility that she might be angry at me for she might be having a great swim in the water haha~ Can u tell?

Is she happy or angry?

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jane & Jennifer 在梦境里!

雖然我很愛吃麵包但這個月請不要餵我吃麵包! ! ! !

是的!我很少會對食物 say NO, 但在法國英國期間我們早餐配麵包,中餐也配麵包,晚餐也配麵包後,我變成了名符其實的麵包超人。

剛抵達巴黎是當地早上6點半。一踩到巴黎的機場,我才確認我不是在作夢!如果你能聽到我內心的話,鐵定聽到我在吶喊著 “我真的在法國了!”。鄉巴佬出城,請原諒,哈哈~

到姐姐家梳洗之後,姐姐就開車帶我們到巴黎市中心。車子開在成功之道,Champ Elysees 香榭大道時,我和 Jane 超開心的。時差,好幾十小時的路程的累,肚子餓全忘光光了~ 當年拿破崙勝戰時就是走在這道路上的!哇,想不到我也有機會走在這裡!我感受到了當時的拿破崙的驕傲了!估計他當時也是這麼興奮的! :P

遠遠就看到雄偉的凱旋門,我和 Jane 更加興奮。手機相機對著它拍個不停。我姐一旁好笑的說'你們需不需要那麼興奮呀? “當然要!一直都在書本和電視上看見凱旋門,以為這一輩子都不能親眼見到,現在竟然活生生,實實在在的在我眼前!



看到兩旁充滿歐洲風,華麗的雕刻的建築物,我確定我在巴黎了。是的,剛抵達法國時有種在夢裡的感覺因為歐洲對我來說是個遙遠的夢想, 要不是姐姐想念家人了,我不曉得何時才會觀故歐洲呢~ 話說回來,巴黎美呆了!走一走又停下來拍照~ 我姐快受不了我們了。從停車場到米雪林餐廳只是短短5,6分鐘的路程,我們卻永遠走不到,哈哈哈~ 沒辦法,香榭大道太美了,隨便拍隨便美,所以只好委屈我姐和baby咯~


去法國餐廳用餐時,他們都會先送上法式麵包給客人。就像你去吃中餐他們會送上花生蝦餅這樣~ 我們在法國的第一餐,看到一藍的麵包時,我和Jane像餓鬼一樣一顆接一顆的吞。法國麵包真的很香,外脆內軟~ 但因為接下來要享用3 course的法式餐點,我們才克制自己,但心裡超想打包帶在身上的。是的,我們也很歐巴桑!哈哈~ 從第一天想打包到後來看到麵包就想吐,可想像我們在法國吃了多少的麵包嗎~ 哈哈哈~ 沒辦法,麵包是法國人的主食嘛~ 告訴你喔,大家都會趕在星期天前購買食物因星期天和星期一商店是休息的,全商店不開除了麵包店!看到麵包在法國的重要性了嗎?而且法國麵包一定要當天買當天吃因為隔夜的麵包硬梆梆的,不好吃了~

好啦,回到我們米雪林的餐點。托姐姐的福,我們才能享用大餐因為她今天請我們吃!耶!打開菜單,全是法文耶~ 我姐用她有限的法文翻譯給我們- 這是牛肉,這好像是鴨肉,這是雞肉,這個是魚肉. . . .嗯,這樣的翻譯有點讓我感受不到食物的魅力耶~ 人家好歹也是米雪林餐廳,怎麼聽起來像是在快餐店呀?哈哈. . . .後來帥哥服務員來講解,我們立刻點下了我們在法國的第一餐!


別小看餐點都小小一份的,雖精緻但真的很紮實。連我這只恐龍都飽到不行!說真的,來法國前我沒做多少功課。我是在出發前不久,趕緊打開'食尚玩家'遊法國的影片做參考的,哈哈~ 他們真的是懶人的好幫手!他們教了一句法文讓我打遍巴黎天下,那就是C'est super (發音:些需配)~ 很美,很好吃,很贊,很棒等都能用上~ 所以帥哥服務員問說東西如何時,我一句些需配,Jane一句C'bon (very good的意思),帥哥聽了笑瞇瞇。我姐姐在一旁覺得我倆很好笑。哈哈~


吃飽後我們又逛香榭大道咯~ 這裡很美。兩旁的樹木整整齊齊的~ 而且巴黎的樹都有特別修剪過的喔。可愛及了!走著走著我們又坐下來享用下午茶了。是有名的 Ladurée 呢~來到法國沒吃馬卡龍就像去到古晉沒有吃kolomee, laksa 一樣,再飽也要來一份!哈哈~ 


走進店內,裝潢也太美了吧!好多雕刻,金光閃閃的,好美啊~ 我姐姐幫我點了Vienna Coffee。熱熱的黑咖啡加上厚厚的鮮奶油是人間天堂!照著這樣的方式吃我不肥死才怪!哈哈~不過人生有幾回能來到巴黎,就肥死吧!哈哈~ 苦甜的咖啡加上甜酸的 rasberry甜品,不會膩耶!

